This thread assumes you are familiar with the Borg of the fictional Star Trek universe. But seriously, what is wrong with the Borg taking over? No real harm, as far as we know. And plus as Captain Picard said as Locutus, they are only trying to raise quality of life. What do the rest of you think?
I don't get why people are so willing and even eager to forfeit their own personal identity to belong to something bigger. It is folly.
You mean the fictional race of automatons totally dependant on technology to interact as a hive mind This century its called Twitter
They are violation of free will. Also like others have pointed out they are socialist in design. Considering the time period Star Trek was made in socialism was the #1 fear of Hollywood. They were a decade past having senators claim the whole industry was a communist front. I don't see modern socialism in them but that was clearly the intent when creating them. Odd when the federation is very Communist itself.
They are scared or bored by their own identity and too lazy to use their position of self creator to its maximum potential
Seems to me the 'quality of life' favoured would based on the side of the Brain that requires too much order for me:- This advocates the lack of Individualism, and self satisfying reward of achievement The is no end to requiring 'Perfection' and whilst is creditable goal - something that the Borg wish to do it with invasion, destruction and without giving a choice for those are quite content with the rate of which their development is moving.
Yes. Voyager expands on that with several episodes. Some actually retaine some of their individuality in their dreams.