What's it like growing up on a Commune or like situation?

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by cobcottage, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. cobcottage

    cobcottage Member

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    I have always been curious what it was like to grow up on a commune or in a similar counter-cultural situation. I assume there are many here who have, so I thought I would enquire.

    I have read some articles discussing the good and bad about growing up in such a way. Do you find that you were exposed to certain things earlier than you would have liked?

    I wonder also about the "Fish out of water" scenarious that must have ensued when you were unleashed on the rest of the world.

    A bit about me-I grew up in an old Victorian in Maine, My dad was an attorney and my mom a housewife. My dad wasn't religous but my mom has a wonderful library and gave me a bunch of books on Budhism and Taoism to read.

    I think the most radical thing I remember them doing was organizing a protest to shut down a coal powered plant that was poisoning us. There were also those seperate brownies their friends served at parties-but all in all they were your usual middle class family on the outside.
  2. neponiatka

    neponiatka Senior Member

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    Bjork was brought up in a commune...so ya see the results:)

    to be serious, i'm wondering myself....
    hey people, tell us smth about it

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