Actualy, I'm probably having chicken here as well... Not sure what I'll do with it yet though, probably just toss it on the grill...
hmmm nothing really. there are a few newcastle brown ale's in the fridge though that you can have for dessert is you want them though. either that, or um, chips. lol.
I grabbed a slice on the way home... 1. Because I'm lazy, and 2. My roommate hasn't done her dishes from the last WEEK so if I want to cook, I have to wash... and since they aren't my dishes, somehow that just doesn't seem fair to me! So, I have a slice of PizzaPizza Hawaiian with creamy garlic dipping sauce. Mmm!
most likely chili... but i really want some sandwichs...on PBS, they had a show all about sandwichs and now i want some sandwichs... but i'm only getting chili.
I am taking my oldest daughter out (the other two are at their dad's) to Tahoe Joes. I am thinking a nice steak sounds really good, she will probably have chicken, oh and most definately we will order some hot wings for an appetizer. Never been here before, I have heard its pretty good. BTW-trish, what is ruben casserole?
made up some pork tacos (true mexican style) not some store bought shit junk, salsa,,, also not store shit,,,,, refried bean, and an experiment of rice and hominy together,,, wasnt too awful bad iffin i dont say so myself,,,,
I made meatloaf and macaroni au gratin with green beans. The meatloaf stuck to the pan and was a meat pile instead. It still tasted awsome, even if it was ugly.
but ellie was a nice piggy while she was around but hafta say,,,,, they are nicer on the dinner plate than in a pen