Hi I've just finished Building a web site and I want to go live. does anyone know whats a good cheap hosting service and domain name register??
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cheap+web+hosting&btnG=Google+Search And no, you're not Spartacus.
Thanks but I was kinda hopeing someone could narrow it down maybe though personal experiance ps.yes I am
Thanks man have started to look into it It was cool you put your site as an example so I know what to expect its the kinda info I need as an internet newbee
www.phillyrainbowfamily.org is mine, they also have 1/2 price domain names often, & if ya need it free ecommerce type stuff too, & alot of other stuff like unlimmeted email aliases so anythingatall@phillyrainbowfamily.org gets to me
hostgator.com,hostsave.com, i am currently using hostgator(underplay.net), but i might switch to hostsave later on.
Cool thanks liked the site it loaded well easy to navigate Im learning alot just by seeing how sites are set up
Until you said that, I did not know hipforums.com was a part of hipplanet.com.. Cool site! Wow, I feel dumb.
I've been using fuitadnet.com for a long time, a year or so, and they have always been an EXCEPTIONAL host. Mbshost.com is another good one, but not as good as FuitadNet.
Ive used the same web provider for like 5 years, and have LOVED its service, please concider 'Canaca'... google it =)
I have been using godaddy.com for my domain names and at 8.95 each per year that are cheaper then most and I have been happy with them.
I couldn't tell you how it compares to the other hosts that have been posted, but I use servertweak.com I haven't checked out the prices on the other hosts to see if they are offering a better deal or not.