I was with two women 20 years my junior. I'm 47 and look pretty good and am a relatively smart guy. We were going to fuck but they brought coke. I did a lot and now I can't sleep. Anyway Coke,makes me feel incredibly,horny but I can't get it up. I tried taking cialismbut it didn't work. What can you recommend in place of coke that will give me that same sensation but with am election that will please two women. They tried to get me hard. Blow jobs felt great but no election. I'm actually trying to masturbate,2 hours later. Help please. Ilooking to do things I never did before.
Tipont take anything before sex!!!Why would you even want to?To enhance the experience?Sex is sex,try meditating instead for a more natural "high"!
Yeah, Lol, I saw election ( he must have a samsung) An election to please at least two women, is that you Donald? Wow, the rep candidate has graced our forums Dun da darn darn da dun-dun dun-dun da da da
Anyway, I think the op just wants to brag he was with two twenty somethings. I hope he realises what those girls are after, if it's not really money, then it's going to be daddy issues, or that he can't get it up and thus isn't going to try "nail" them everynight. ....or all three reasons
I dunno. 2cb, MDMA and weed without a high tolerance, they all make sex for me feel super dooper. But I don't need to deal with flaccid parts on my body needing to become elect.
Flaccid parts up for re-election are they? You got the pictures up on telegraph poles. VOTE 1 - under a photo of ......
so your 47 and getting 20 yo's ? do you look much younger like your 32 or something ? because even if your in your 30's gonna be hard to bang a 20yo. so kudos man. how do you even get them to want to bang you ? what the secret
instead of coke --arent you suppose to drink to make the women your having sex with look hot ? i know when women are drunk even an ugly guy can look hot to them as well
How about skipping the coke.alcohol and facing reality?I dont know about anyone else,but when I was younger,and drank a fair bit,no ugly guy ever looked hot! These days,I have to admit if I were single,and a guy approached me either drugged up or drunk?I'd find it a huge turn off,whether he was attractive or ugly.