What really makes you trance out, personally? It could be a meditation technique or something informal that just takes you to that place. Anyone?
I find it really hard to meditate most of the time. Quiet and emotional calm can aid meditation. Sunrises and sunsets can aid meditation.
long distance running, japa meditation, listening to birds anticipating each tweet or hoot, playing the violin, magic mushrooms, sitting with eyes shut and letting the breeze pass through my body, taking a shower, sitting with eyes shut in silence for 1 hour (most effective).
Meditation Walking. There is also walking meditation. Martial arts properly are a moving meditation, whether hard or soft. Fishing and hunting have also been known to bring on a meditative focus. From survival to enlightenment.
Um meditation- just focusing on breathe... also being in the ocean or just swimming in any water really can do it. Dancing can do it. Doing dishes can actually do it in a way.
As I was writing mine and thinking about mine I kept thinking "I'm gonna keep drugs out of this answer" lol
I only smoke weed and it doesn't put me in a meditive state, I just thought I'd be the first to post it.
I'm no good with meditating I've tried lots but my mind won't stop, I'm too tall for the positions and it hurts my back and legs and knees to sit on the ground. "Spiritual Enlightenment" discriminates against me!
Put your finger on your pulse as you relax your body and count heartbeats as you breathe...breathe in three beats, then out three beats. Then increase it to four. Then to five. Keep raising it by one as soon as you're comfortable with the previous number. Very simple and can take you very deep with practice.