I was just kidding there Jim. The world is said to be spinning extremely fast due to the forming of gasses (of a particular range of the magnetic spectrum) being rolled in to a play dough-like sphere.
It's an amazing act of happenstance. An evolution if you will. What's amazing is that in our solar system the planets all orbit Sun on the same plane. Basically nothing arranged this. There is no superior being that placed the planets, the Sun, or any other object in our solar system or any other system, galaxy, other forms of matter. The big bang theory is the most logical explanation we have at this moment in time. Is it correct? More so than a supreme being taking the credit.
Seems to me if there is a possibility of both. The ending of a being (be it singular, body or entinity of unknown origin) could well have constructed, deposited and departed 'Once upon a long ago' - and after doing so - the development of that which followed being natural advancement
Earth rotates because Sun attracts the earth and thus pulls the earth towards it secondly due to earths revolution around the sun it tends to go away from the sun in direction of the tangent hence a rotational force (torque) acts on the earth and it tends to rotate. What caused the Earth to rotate? Earth spins because of the way it was formed. Our Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago when a huge cloud of gas and dust started to collapse under its own gravity. As the cloud collapsed, it started to spin.
I know there are people who don't believe in God. That is their choice. But every day I awake to a beautiful sun rise. I want to thank God or Mother Nature for the world we live in. And a couple of members who claim credit, After all it is up to all of us to keep this a beautiful place.