To be truly naked is to bare ones soul to another. We can be unclothed, yet cover ourselves to others. We can also be clothed, yet naked before others. But isn't it easier to bare your soul to another once you've bared your body to them? Can we ever be totally honest and transparent with each other as long as we keep ourselves hidden to some extent? When will we ever shed these foolish trappings we call clothes, and be free to be who we are with ourselves and each other?
It's a lot easier being without clothes then opening up ones soul. I don't really trust everyone with my soul.
Not talking about trusting EVERYONE; but don't you find socializing easier and more relaxed with other people who are also naked? Take away status, and trying to look a certain way. Doesn't being naked help remove the boundaries that keep us separated and not trusting?
I get what you mean and I would definitely agree. We all are naturally just a little bias and prejudges unfortunately. Studies show that we subconsciously make an opinion of someone within the first 3 seconds of meeting them. When I meet a new comer at our nudist camp, I think it is a much more open and friendlier meeting then it would be anywhere else. Since we are both nude I don't know if he is a garbage man or a doctor, and it doesn't matter, we are two people meeting and saying hello. Usually at some point in the day the new comers give in to our endless invitations to join us in a game of volleyball in the pool and we get to know each other better, plus hanging out at meal times. Ive always said, It's harder to be an asshole when your naked lol
I don't know, when you have no skin? Honestly, this lifestyle is great, but you make it sound all positive, when the truth of the matter is that it's certainly not all positive. It comes with many negatives. One being people being so judgemental that they decide whom should bare their souls, and clothes, and who shouldn't. Fuck that shit. I can't bare my soul because it's too ugly or different? I can't bare my clothes because I'm too ugly or different? Fine, I'm out. I much rather be in the vegetarian, vegan lifestyle. They're not as judgemental. Heck, you can even eat fish and still be considered a vegetarian theses days. People judge, sure. But, no one needs to be judgemental.
I'm wandering if your profile pic isn't telling us all we need to know... for my response I'm going to assume you are not a troll... To start.. Nudism/Naturism is about you being open and free and comfortable in your own skin, for YOURSELF. You don't have to be in good shape or have a big dick or perky tits, there are no requirements. If you actually go to a club where you are judged based on your appearance you are at the wrong club, those types of clubs represent the worst of our lifestyle. Our group of friends at our club consist of young couples with babies like us, we have older friends with teenage kids (who are amazing at volleyball) to older couples some with scars from heart surgeries, and a woman with one breast who is a cancer survivor. Couples, singles, young, old, skinny, fat this is not the lifestyle to be a part of if your are going to judge others. Looking at your responses I really don't know where you stand but I seriously hope that if you are a nudist, or want to be a part of the lifestyle you start to surround yourself with more positive uplifting people.
The way I see is, true nakedness is akin to being a newborn. You can't get any more naked than that. Fresh out of the mother's womb, and devoid of any societal conditioning. But when we are with someone who we can bare our soul to, I think something similar happens. With someone like this, you don't have to worry about anything. You just be, and they get you. If they don't get you 100%, they at least let you know that and still accept you. Then you know you're truly naked in their presence, and you could be dressed for a South Pole expedition.
I would agree that we have to bare our soul to really make a connection and form a true link and understanding with others. I would have always assumed that came from sharing thoughts and feelings, but actually you are so right, sharing our bodies is part of that too. I don't know why it never occurred to me before, especially as I went on a sort of retreat type of thing once that was all a bit new age and one of the elements of this involved stripping off to free yourself amongst the group and it was an incredibly empowering experience and to this day I remain in contact with some of the group.
I'm not a troll. I was just answering the OP's thread. I never met a nudist in person, and I'm not a nudist, by any means. But, I have encountered them online. And they often tell the same story, stating that nudity is the ultimate freedom. But, how is it freedom if a bunch of people are judging you? And how is it freedom if freedom is the freedom to decide what freedom is for you? I don't know, I was just thinking... typing out loud. Speaking of nudity, I actually think I have degressed in my 'nudist ways', I guess. Again, I'm not a nudist, by any means. But I do enjoy being nude on my own, in the comfort of my own home. I think a lot of people are like me, especially women. Anyways, one of the things I enjoyed was going to sleep nude. However, I had a tragic event occur in which every time I was sleeping nude, I was roughly awaken, with the blankets tore off of me, and I was dragged from the bed, on to the floor, while being cursed profanities about who I was as a person. So, now I have a discomfort of sleeping naked. Actually, I haven't explored my nude body in awhile. I did masturbate recently, and with masturbation you're kind of exploring your body and being naked in bed. But, being nude as nothing or very little to do with sex. So, that doesn't really count. I don't know. Just typing out loud. It's all whatever.
My soul has nothing to do with my wish to be without clothes in some settings, because it is more comfortable.
I'm not going to say its anything to do with my soul or any deep shit like that, I just much prefer being naked than clothed. If outdoors I usually wear trainers or slip-ons but dont feel TRULY nude, but that is merely to prevent injury lol......being barefoot is truly naked and magical!
I don't think it makes any difference what you are (or are not) wearing if you choose to bear your soul.
Mostly agree with NudeMMTB’s sentiment here. Like him, I love being fully nude as often as possible, which means barefoot as well, but do make a concession to wearing socks and boots during my frequent nude hikes. Attempting normal trails full of rocks and roots without shoes would be substantially more time consuming and I usually have objectives and time restraints when I visit the mountains. Did a short two minute video on TrueNudists this summer from the summit of a mountain following a nude hike for which I took off my socks and boots for the added effect. Was well received ... although I subsequently deleted my account for completely unrelated reasons. The sentiment about baring your soul ... I get it but classify it differently. It’s a goal to strive for in my opinion, to be more genuine, more true to yourself, but don’t necessarily see it as being correlated with nudism and naturism. It’s not like I start sharing my deepest innermost thoughts as soon as my clothes come off.
Granite69.......bummer I missed seeing your video on TrueNudist. Even worse is you leaving TrueNudist. I too left after being on there for several years. As a mainly home nudist, the only places I can be legally nude outdoors is in my backyard and our local nude beaches. To my knowledge, there are no local hiking trails that you can hike nude. I do know that there some further away, but have not used any so far. I like "dressing" nude and often am able to be nude for weeks at a time.
I was only on TrueNudist for a short time. Probably around two months or so. Was super excited when I joined and got certified and all that ... but then got completely inundated with PMs from folks who didn’t really inspire my intellect. Like 8-10 per day. It was too much. Perhaps I didn’t give it enough or a chance or perhaps I got in the wrong algorithm right from the start, but it quickly became unenjoyable.
Hi Granite, yes, TN does have its share of wanna-be nudist and pervs. I've been on TN for 6+ yrs and still get hit up for inappropriate chat totally unrelated to nudism except for nudity. I am not a paying or certified member. No reason to give them my money as long as the site has untrained, cliquish monitors and the owners are unresponsive to complaints about the monitors and some of the users. That said, I have made some awesome chat buddies, nudists who, like me live a nudist lifestyle and enjoy the company of others. Best of luck to you.