Left an unhealthy relationship and moved into my own apartment. Paid off all of my debt. Married the man of my dreams. Created an account on Hip Forums.
jumping out an airplane in the darkness was hella satisfying.. the remaining voices in my head, not so much..
It's an interesting question and I'm sure I'll think of different answers but....off the top of my head....I think helping people and giving things to people is the most satisfying things I do/have done. But I think it's a kind of evolution of values. I feel like I've always tried to be generous but it was maybe for different reasons when I was younger. Kind of a sense of obligation back then. I don't feel obligated now so doing it brings me more satisfaction and the more I do it...the happier it makes me.
And winning back to back state championships in martial arts on the same day was pretty damn satisfying...if we're talking about egotistical stuff. That was really hard to do and it was a sweet pay-off for a lot of hard work. That was probably the best day I've ever had in any of the styles I've ever competed in. I'll never forget that day.
repo'ing a vehicle from a former friend while their family and friends watched (he owed all them money too)
also one time i rammed my car into a guy on a motorcycle but dont worry....he deserved it and he knew he did i offered to wait for police but he didnt want to stick around
Meh, I gave this some thought or at least since the thread started, and yea... I can't think of anything satisfying that I have done. so, I think it's safe to say that I haven't done anything satisfying.
The "most satisfying" would have to be something not done yet... Otherwise what's the point in still being here.
Surely, you must have done something satisfying in your life. Maybe think about what you would do in life if money were of no consequence...then go back to whatever you did to inspire that feeling in you. That must have been satisfying. Right?
I'm pretty proud of the places I've been and the bands I've seen. All that satisfies me I suppose. Being with my partner for 15 years now also is huge on my list.
made my daughter laugh runners up: got an award for "most outstanding" biochem PhD thesis - presented by a faculty member who, 6 years prior, thought i was not a good applicant to the program. ate a hamburger after being very hungry peed after having to hold it