What is the most fucked up country you ever visited?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by bird_migration, May 19, 2004.

  1. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    thats the house ****** sililoque
  2. joe

    joe Banned

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    well aint this some shit
  3. 7river

    7river on a distinguished path

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    it is all perspective rubin...i grew up in brooklyn. i'm sure it was not anything like the "outside of brooklyn" you lived in.
    east flatbush a welfare baby blah blah blah
    i took myself out. i educated myself...after highschool, cause there was nothing or noone in school to click on any lights. i took advantage of the opportunity you speak of... capitalism and did well...but we are looking at different sides of the box rubin
    it is that very american opportunity that you dream of for hondorus that i oppose...that will destroy hondorus and our planet.

    what is the cost of the opportunity?

    to me the us has morphed into an idea, a lifestyle a lifestyle of ignorance and lack of responsibility. greed. this has become an organism of its own and it is spreading through the veil of "opportunity".

    the us is a state of mind...an illusion. we never learned how to be free...welfare. free money....yes us americans are ignorant.
  4. beachbum7

    beachbum7 Lookin' for any fun

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    Maybe it's me, but I don't like to consider any country fucked up (although there are places I wouldn't want to live). Well, there are fucked up aspects of every country, but that doesn't consider the country fucked up. I have been in France, and I loved the four days I spent in that country. Probably because it was a great chance for me to speak French, and because the weather was beautiful (And because I was in the South of France). And I would think there are many around the world who would consider Americans to be arrogant and obnoxious.
  5. A Clockwork Orange*

    A Clockwork Orange* Member

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    Germany.. I've never been there myself, but I just don't like Germans in general. They scare me
  6. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    oh poor me. i need to go see the world. i was born in germany but left when i was 6 months. so i cant quite answer this.
  7. Professor Jumbo

    Professor Jumbo Mr. Smarty Pants

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    Canada. It was like America but boring, and everybody was really stuck up and self righteous.
  8. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    is this another case of "i won't do it because it's too hard, and i'll blame the man?" lots of people have left the usa for good. give it a go, if it really means something to you. follow your dreams, man, get out while you're still young.
  9. DoDaMan

    DoDaMan Member

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    Now, that makes no sence at all. I'm german, so do I scare you? That would be like me saying that all people from the middle-east scare me because those people are prone to act out terrorists acts. Or maybe saying something like, people from England scare me because of their very bad dental habbits. Nothing worse than getting a grin from someone that only has a few teeth and at that those are black!

    But anyway, thanks for the good laugh though

  10. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    ive been in chains in latin anmerica , and chained next to people who were praying with their rosarys so hard that blood was dripping down their fingers!cuz they knew that the minit they got put back to el salvador ,the luckiest fate was a quick bullet and the worst was month of degradation and torture! i was treated fairly well . because they couldnt figgure out just what i was! they unfortunatly wanted to keep my old lady !{thank god its not like here and you can bribe your way out of trouble with promise of payment only}i did pay when i got back cuz they wooda killed my layer if i didnt!....the big interogator !!!told me he had been to school in usa ,and pointed behind him to a "school of the americus diploma" thats the international colledge of torture they have here in ga.! he told me that nobody wanted to be doing this, that it was the policy of my gov. that it went on ,and that i should go back and change that!
  11. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    so, was you existance more fucked up there, or here? i'm confused.
  12. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    that was not where i lived !just visiting a sick old lady before she died ,and she happened to live where the american military didnt want any of its own citizens around unless they were tortures and killers in their employ! i wasnt doing anything and my paperwork was in order!....my point is that this EVIL PIECE OF SHIT GOV OF USA ....is running many such shows at home and abroad!....and ive seen worse in the us than anywhere ....like the cop who was gambeling and drunk -coked up ...came out to parking lot and saw homeless man eating a can of dog food from the back of his pickup,.....he beat him unconcious and threw him in the harbor to drownd...he died and state of mass wouldnt procecute ...true story! i was there!....people in nazi countries are better than here! even the torturers...at least they are forced to do it by the asshole nortamericanos and dont want to ! ....this place sucks compared to the worst case scenario elsewhere , cause outside the us people are human beings !here just selfish assholes!
  13. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    what else would you call a nation that represents 6%of people ....and consumes 80%of its rescorces but pigs
  14. A Clockwork Orange*

    A Clockwork Orange* Member

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    You know very well, it's Germany...
  15. rain_in_summer

    rain_in_summer Member

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    What's so bad about Germany?
  16. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    ive only been to america...and this place is pretty fucked up .
  17. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I would agree. But the French - generally speaking, of course - are much more arrogant. Actually, many of the ones I came into contact with were just downright rude.

    Who knows, maybe it has something to do with their accents?
  18. Lani

    Lani Member

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    hmm, Ive been pretty much all over Europe..lived in several different places..and i must say there is always good and bad about every single country. Also the author of the thread could have said what does he mean by "fucked up". Ive been to third world countries (Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia) and life there by western standards is basically umbearable, yet most people bear with it ..furthermore these people had more perspective on life and values than the place i live now (and any other over developed country Ive visited or had a chance to learn about). What im trying to say...there is a distinction between what the government does and the mentality of the people..american govt abuses everything and everyone to reach its capitalistic driven goals, at any expense, and most of the population buys into the propaganda and the way of life thats portrayed as the ideal..on the whole its the bigger, faster and better mentality...There are so many perversions here in the "west", somehow we find it normal... Whilst i was in zimbabwe, i got to talk to a little girl, I asked her what was her most prised posetion, her answer was a calculator..it sort of puts things in perspective..
  19. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    Makno, You make the worst generalizations about America on a site where complaining about this country in the norm. I don't know where you live but it must be a really horrible area that I have not visited. I have probably been to 45 of the 50 states, and didn't really find any part to be as unbearable as you make it seem here. Yea, there are problems with the government and obviously with some issues like health care, but the majority of the actual people in America aren't so bad. I come into contact with people I like around here all the time, and this includes people who work for corporations etc. Not everyone is a mass consumer like you suggest.

    Of course we can always find examples of living stereotypes, but i assume that's the case in any society. You really are sounding like whiner, you live here but bitch about it constantly. It's not the best place, but there is no way it's the worst.
  20. sky_pink

    sky_pink er... what's the time?

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    I'd have to say Germany and Poland.

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