Worked for a while in the 70's as a foretopman aboard a square-topsail schooner. Hitchhiked back & forth across the U.S. at least 3 times in the 70's. Was chronically homeless for several years, again in the 70's.
That's a tough one... I don't have a very good sense of danger. I like to wonder around back roads and out in the forest at night. Or maybe when I was a teen and I ran away from home. I went with a friend, usually around downtown Portland OR. I got into quite a few situations. At the time I didn't see much of a problem but in hindsight I probably could have been killed a few times.
Walking across a flimsy plank across a stream, which of course snapped and caused me to fall ten feet down into a pool of freezing cold water. Just got wet, dignity suffered more than my body.
Stepped in between a Dominatrix and a pissed off old texan cowboy type holding a loaded colt and wanting to shoot up the place after she got mad at him for throwing knives into her ornately hand built bondage crucifix and deescalated the situation by "being his buddy" and leading him off to other areas of the bar to find some other targets for the knives out back. He sort of got a bit of respect for her when I explained that she had crafted the cross herself and it meant a lot to her and ended up apologizing for pulling a gun like a big kid that got caught playing ball in the house and she gave him a good verbal lashing as any good Dom will in such instances and everyone went away happy though I think Cowboys bodyguard crapped his pants a bit when "boss whipped out the wheelgun" Fun times in Chicago at a little old hole in the wall named Aftermath back in the mid 90
road a 6 cylinder Honda when they first came out early 70's rode down a section of interstate make sure no cops arounds and on way back exceeded 140mph no helmet, no gloves. T-shirt and tennis shoes and shorts. Invincible I was! only thing kept me from going faster my eyes were watering so bad I could not see very well. Stupid and dangerous but so exhilarating.................
Did similar. Different motorcycle and different situation, 100 mph, with curves in unfamiliar road, so equally as risky. I suppose God takes care of fools and children.
A different story from my above post. With my girlfriend (now wife of 36 yrs) on the back, on a mountain 2 lane road, went into an unknown curve just a little too hot. Had been careful with the other curves, but this was just a teeny bit too hot. I was leaning into the curve with what I thought was as far as the tires could hold, but watching the front wheel getting closer and closer, 10", then 6", then 4", to the 100 ft drop-off edge. Somehow, made it, but that still, 38 yrs later, scares the living shit out of me. Our entire lives since then no son, no grandson, would have disappeared in a few moments. I suppose God takes care of fools and children.
I was a bit of a Danger kid when I was younger,: - p Played in Clay pits: - (Jackson's Brick works - Levenshulme - Manchester - UK) . . .