I see a lot of people on the left crying about Great Britain's decision to leave the union, but why? What has the EU done that's good for the UK, much less the rest of the member nations? The way I and many people see it is that the EU is nothing more than a globalist bureaucracy that has stolen sovereignty away from European nations and placed it into the hands of an unelected and unaccountable group of bureaucrats based in Brussels, and is just another one of the many vehicles of the central banks and multinational corporations which merely represent the agenda of the globalist elite and not the average European. Clearly the corporate media both in the US and abroad is in favor of the EU since they have been heavily pushing it, as well as all the fearmongering regarding Brexit and the vote to leave which has since come to fruition. I mean, you really cannot blame people for voting out because they have been getting the shaft for so long. Apparently a person concerned with the immigration problem in their own country is a xenophobe and bigot, even though people with an extremist ideology are just flooding into the country while they take away the rights of UK citizens with a Big Brother police state right out of Orwell's 1984, all in the name of "combating terrorism." I mean, I am sure there are some racist, unsavory people who are against the immigration wave, but that does not mean that unchecked immigration into a country is a good thing when it comes at the expense of people already living there. It's just so funny how the media has been covering it, and what they want the general public to believe by using endless amounts of fearmongering and race-baiting.
I think there actually is an element for concern there. They may be overwhelmed, but I doubt it's influencing their economy. Seeing immigrants all the time, as we do in California, can be confusing. That doesn't mean they are taking away from the British economy as a whole. I don't like to talk nuts and bolts, but if you look at their GDP and all that, I'm sure you'd see it's unaffected for the most part.
UK economy is about 70% service related, about 6% comes from Tourism Top 5 major trading partners in order are: US, Germany, Switzerland, China then France ( US + China = 20% of UK exports, non EU countries another 30%) EU regulations kind of wipe out small and medium cap operators in Britain (that would employ more people than the large caps) So you've got jobs in half your main industry wiped out by EU regulations, half your exports dont even involve the EU You only have to look at countries like Norway ( which has a defacto EU membership) , Singapore, US, Japan, Australia....to see why the UK shouldnt be in the EU...and what do all those countries have in common.....richest countries on the planet not reliant on massive oil reserves
I don't know much about this but I question whether Britain's decision to leave the EU is a good one. It reeks of isolationism, of neglecting the fact that the world is becoming unified no matter what we do, due to the rise of technological innovations and the transportation infrastructure. Increasingly information and goods are traveling around the world without regard for borders. The same goes for people, germs, plants, cultural values, companies, religions, the media, and political institutions. The only way to stop it is to stop the advance of technology....and that ain't going to happen, it will only accelerate unless we have a major catastrophe that results in the destruction or crippling of our society.
We can all think and say whatever we want, but I can't imagine why anybody in Europe should give a flying fuck what outsiders think about this.
I dont know much about it But having looked into living overseas and seeing how hard it can be to obtain a work visa if you're not in the EU, the ease in which EU members can move and work within other EU countries has always appealed to me.
Or the bend in the cucumber lol They made cartons from plastic and gave them away in schools in the late 90,s. If your banana didn't fit, you shouldn't buy it, lmao..I put them in the bin!
More specifically, Am. corporatchiks, which peddled the EU (& Eurozone) ideas after the USSR collapsed. The EU & the recruitment of old Soviet bloc nations into NATO, which in 1990 U.S. SECSTATE James Baker promised Moscow we would not do. As the Soviet behemoth croaked, some U.S. officials (Schulz, Baker) made all kinds of off-the-record promises to the Russians; none of which were kept by Bush I & his successors. In fact, one of those promises was then-SECSTATE Schulz's to Soviet forn. min. Schevardnadze that we'd help prop up old Soviet puppet Najibullah in Afghanistan as leverage against the encroaching Taliban. Bush I scrapped that one too.
LOL This reminds me of the Monty Python skit on ‘What have the Romans ever done for us’ the one that ends – All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
17 things European funding has done for Merseyside [SIZE=11pt]http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/17-things-european-funding-done-10925208[/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]14 things the EU has done for Manchester [/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/things-eu-done-for-manchester-11020085[/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]What has the EU ever done for Birmingham? 15 things we wouldn't have without Brussels [/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/what-eu-ever-done-birmingham-11028563[/SIZE] So, what exactly has EU funding paid for in south west Wales? http://www.southwales-eveningpost.co.uk/this-is-all-the-things-eu-money-has-paid-for-in-south-west-wales/story-29431718-detail/story.html And I could go on and on and on….
Are you for real? That first link: Public transport in Merseyside improved because on the EU....and only the EU? Do you really fall for a media article like that?
Van Public Transport The EU has also invested in public road links including the key rail connection to John Lennon Airport at Liverpool South Parkway, as well as in in St Helens and Liverpool’s Edge Lane. Sorry did you have trouble reading it, i can help if you need things explaining.
Yeah So the Eu Give us some of our own money back and we are supposed to do a song and dance about it Ok I am up For that !
I think the young people enjoy the freedom to travel within the EU. I read that most of the young people voted to stay and a majority of the seniors voted to leave. I don't think it's immigration issues as much as attitude issues. Not that I live in the EU but I see lot's of the same selfish bias attitudes here in the states. People don't like foreigners because they want that divide there. The older you get the less flexible your brain becomes. Never know what jobs an immigrant will create. Maybe if people spread positive vibes there will be more creating.