Oh,lord You Told Me About All The Shit You Had Saved On Your Puter.oh Well,just As Long As You Keep Your Distance From Me Everything Is All Good
Apparently, discussing banishment from Hip Forums is grounds for banishment, so keep it up if you want to get banned. Once you're banned, you're gone for life and there's no coming back. So be careful.
well i dont know...i keep coming back...not like i have been banned...nor would i be, but i think we all keep coming back...lol yeah, the trouble makers that come back, well it could be considered pathetic, if you wanna think like that, or it could just be really entertaining for them...adds more flavor to their life to piss people off...i say whatever makes them happy and i dont know who bogs is now...bugs-man or some rendition of the name...i recognize his posts but dont pay attention to the name cause well i am not good at such details
Not true at all. Most bans are about 10 days. Permanent bannings are rare, and saved for the very worst offenders, or those who attempt to re-enter during a banning. It isnt usually a punishment, but a way to make the majority of the people on this site safe from spammers, assaultants, trollers and complete idiots. The vast majority of the people on this site never have been banned and have never been in danger of it. This my last word on the subject.
have you not seen any of her threads, its kind of hard not too since they were everywhere for a period of time...