the fox says what the cuss is this clustercuss of a cuss thread"]A Complete Clustercuss - YouTube
I only speak morse. I swear if I hear that damn song one more time I'm going to hurt someone. My brother in law will call and play it on my voicemail when I don't answer.
I Waited Patiently For 5 Minutes For The Fox To Download, No Such Luck, So I Shot It.... Cheers Glen.
They played this song while we were at the roller rink a couple days ago, and I wanted to shoot myself in the face.
Thank the gods I watched that vid after I'd already took an IQ test, I think I just felt mine drop 10 more points or so. Do people really have that boring of a life????
Was the video on that link? I have not seen the video, but at the bottom of the page are audio files of actual fox sounds and that was really cool, I thought, especially the last one that sounded kinda like whales. Freaky in a way.
I was watching the Waltons. someone caught a fox and the mother was speaking in the background. but for a minute there , I thought it was the fox talking. 38:14"]The Walton's - The Fox - YouTube yeah , I watch the waltons.. you wanna make something of it?."]What Does The Fox Say? VS. Gangnam Style REMIX (What Does The Fox Say & Gangnam Style Mashup) - YouTube the original fox video has 230,000,000 views