So as some who may have read one of my previous threads Marriage Gone Bad may know my wife and I are currently going through a pretty rough patch in our relationship. This particular thread is just to ask a question of anyone who may have some good knowledge and advice. I've started trying to talk to my wife about our problems and trying to work things out between us, but everytime I do she pushes me away and today she told me that I was simply stressing her out by trying. Why is this? I'm honestly stumped. I don't know if this means that she just doesn't see our relationship as being worth working out or if she just doesn't want to talk about it yet. Is there such a thing as too early to talk or what?
talking about and fixing an emotional problem usually means admitting that there is one. Maybe she feels that working together with you would make her have to accept that you two have a problem -- and when she pushes you away, that is her way of avoiding that.
Probably, since there definately is a thing as the right time or the wrong time to adress a certain matter. Perhaps ask if she want to talk later about it instead?
Have you two gone to a counselor? Men and women mean different things by "talk about it". (caveat, insert "most", "many" and "some" where needed if you think I mean "all") Men "talk about it" to find a solution. Women "talk about it" to express (and hear) their feelings. Your seeking a solution may interfere with her exploration of feelings, making her feel stressed. A counselor can help you so that your talking is productive to both of you rather than stressful to one.
If she is unreceptive about understanding your feelings, i would say that is a pretty bad sign. The care toward you is low. I would tell her just that and pay attention to her response.
I would say give her some space, she sounds like she's overwhelmed by things. Everyone needs space / a break every now and then. You guys are pretty young too.
Yes, there is. But I would also firmly ask for a general timeframe as to when we could talk about things at the risk of our relationship ending. I'm not just going to let myself be hung out to dry. I think she's being unfair. UNLESS, you have already spoken about it and could not agree. Then, you're just nagging. In which case, you'd have to decide for yourself whether this relationship is worth pursuing the way it is, no more talking about this problem. Or, whether it's better for you to part ways. Which is it?
Maybe she's upset that you keep asking questions about your failing marriage on a forum that she also posts on...
What is your wife's username, I would like to get her side of the story before offering any unwanted, ill-informed, assumptive advice.