I just got several 16mm with her and the woman really appeared to be too intelligent for an accidental suicide. So I looked into it and there's some real controversy about it. So do you yankies think she was murdered or was it an accidental suicide?
She was the reporter that got her hands on the classified documents of the JF Kennedy assasination and the death row interview of the man that killed Lee Harvey Oswald. She annonced she was going to "blow the JF Kennedy assination wide open" with proof of a conspiracy involving the secret service. She was found dead in her bed shortly there after.
She was best known as a prominent member of What's my Line. You can see her on YouTube if you search by this show name. I liked her, but really I don't buy this whole conspiracy theory. She wasn't that important or that powerful. My mechanic also died suddenly, not having suffered any illness. It happens.