What Do You Think Are Your Countries Stereotypes? (Game)

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Sleeping Caterpillar, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    I always find what internal verse external perceptions of stereotypes to be funny--

    here's how to play (my entry below):

    • List the country you reside in, or for the purposes of the game you can mix it up if you're multi-national.
    • Comment on a stereotype that you think resembles that country
    • The next player (ie next person to post in the thread) will say what comes to their mind of the above person's country. Then repeat by listing their own.

    Let's just if we can get some jokes flowing :)


    United States

    Everyone eats ketchup/tomato sauce on everything
  2. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    United States

    Everyone in the south is a toothless, inbred, swamp dwelling, moonshine swilling, redneck hillbilly or
    a Klan affiliated, 5th grade educated, trailer park trash, with a mother who is a skank, a meth-head, or is orca size and shops at Walmart

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  3. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    - every one in America loves peanut butter.
  4. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    South Africa

    Anyone can hunt a crocodile, and you're the happiest drunks
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  5. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i think people who have never been here think america is new york, the way people who have never been to california think california is l.a.

    when i was little i used to think africa was jungle. i think a lot of people did. now i'm pretty sure there's SOME 'jungle', but most of it is either desert of seasonal grassland.

    well when i was little i used to think deserts were sand and all that, but most really dry places seem instead to more like clay and rocks.

    and mars. that's an interesting idea, that the water only comes out at night.

    i wish the essa would let us watch over their sholder more, what's going on with that commet.

    the gears in my head don't seem to want to mesh very well with what this is supposed to be about.

    sorry for that.

    i only know america, the land of greed and aggressiveness, where people mean well and don't realize they're doing that, because they like the excitement of infotainment and become addicted to it, that rots the mind.
  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    South Africa...hmm...makes me think of rich white people hiding behind fortresses from the dark skinned people

    I'm from the US
  7. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    England here.

    There are many British stereotypes - the upper class twit, the opinionated taxi driver, the lager swilling yob. I'm told that the Brits are widely regarded as un-washed (largely untrue) and many have bad teeth (again, may have been true in the past).
  8. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    America here

    is it true that most Brits have a dry sense of humor?
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The Finns are very stoic and mean business.

    and not a stereotype...it is the truth.....I know.
  10. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The Irish make good writers and love their spirits.....alcohol, and they all river dance..
  11. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Some do. I think I probably do.

    But I'm not a stereotypical brit really.
  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Me, either, really...if I tap into my Finnish side...i have no humor, so i have to tap into my Irish and Scottish side and then it is all there.....I am glad I can do that....Most days i am pretty dry in humor though.
  13. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I've got Irish and French in me - the Irish side is where my humour comes from, the French side probably accounts for why I've always liked dirty jokes.
  14. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    dirty jokes are French? I never knew that before. i was in France...they can be pretty snobby over there.....LOL
    food in restaurants is small quantities...not huge gobs of food like in this country. No wonder they are mostly all thin, too.

    ok, here's another......

    Is San Francsco, USA, still a predominantly gay city?

    i was there a time or two...and I loved the trolly cars they have...streets go way uphill and down there like a roller coaster. It can be chilly there...there is so much to see and do there. It is a fun city. I liked it there better than Los Angeles, i think, but I did love the beaches in Los Angeles....and no , I am not gay....not that i know of anyway....so i would say definitely not...though i can love females like close friends and sisters very much. :)
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hell, shit...i had a female room mate in los angeles for a good amount of time...I spoke to her recently and it was the first time I heard people thought we were gay. thought never crossed my mind....so I was surprised. i was gaga for a kid from outer space named Warren at the time...the one who read my mind and had a cone shaped head. What a trip he was.....I spent most of the time feeling broken hearted over him then.
    i was also in los Angleles living with my mom for awhile She came with me the first time.....She left after awhile though,. i think it was 6 months. We had good times together in LA.....
  16. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I am only basing that on the French side of my family who all have a ribald sense of humour. They are what you'd call cultured people, but they have another side too...
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    san francisco in th 60s, was its own whole planet in the hippie universe. the whole sf bay area. the saying you're probably thinking of, is the city where they seperate the men from the boys, with a crow bar.

    there was of course the harvey milk incident. along with 'the village' in new york, sf has always been sort of ground zero of the struggle for wider acceptance of people inhierent erroginous proclivities, are not generated by the shape of what they were born with between their legs. san francisco's day for many things, comes and goes and comes again. has probably one of the earliest gay pride parades and festivals. i'm pretty sure i'm older than it is. the gay pride thing. not the city.

    the more people are gay, potentially that lowers the birth rate, and its more humane then abortions, so i'm really all for and in favor of it, even though i find no attraction in it and don't happen to swing that way myself.
    i'm one of those people, who without being attracted to it, consider the whole lgbt business, to be a very very good thing. especialy in a world as over populated are ours continues increasingly to become.
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i'm beginning to form a stereotype that all countries represented in this thread are unable to follow directions...
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  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    this is a basic principal of sapience. if you ever found one that did, i don't think you'd very much like living there.

    on the other paw, if it even is the other paw, and i'm not convinced of that either, it would be very nice if people didn't tare things up for each other.

    instructions are one possible way of making something work. but not part of the evolution of the quality of its doing so.

    give an ordinary cat, a big enough brain, and he or she, can figure out anything a human can.

    oh, and just as a by the way, there is nothing more unamerican, then for there to be such a thing, as a 'the' american way.

    and i'm pretty sure the same goes for most national cultures.

    but of course, i know, we know that, and that's why we call them stereotypes.
  20. IamnotaMan

    IamnotaMan I am Thor. On sabba-tickle. Still available via us

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    Upper class - closet homosexuals, drink port, never worked, spends all day shooting pheasants. Married to a cousin. Hasn't changed the car in 15 yrs. Called Rupert and Stella. Kids are called Rollo and Pippa. She has pointy chin. He has no chin. Both make a piglike "snort" noise after they laugh. He wants to be a Conservative MP. But has a skeleton in a closet. Thats a skeleton of a 7 yr old boy. Or so its alleged in Party circles.
    Live in the Cotsworlds. Which is like hell. With village fetes.

    Middle class - obsessed with cleaning the car, mowing the law. And having "dinner parties" with frenemies where they boast about "how good the lo.cal st.ate sch.ools are" and lots of tiresome oneupmanship about where they went on holiday etc. Love the idea of mass immigration, but not actually friends with any immigrants. She thinks his main hobby is tennis, but its actually kerb crawling. They change the car every year (probaly related to the above). They're called John and Carol. Kids are called Johnny and Laura.
    They tell people they shop at Waitrose, but really its Lidl.
    Other hobbies = DIY, DIY and oh, did I mention DIY? Wants to retire at 55, but will need to work to 70 to pay off the credit cards. Live somewhere near Swindon. (Don't bother looking at it on the map, no one else does).

    Working class - has been unemployed after the factory shut. He loves darts, she loves bingo. Called Daz and Sharon. Kids are called Jordan and Wayne. Obsessed with getting one of the kids into university. Which will be quite cool. Because after he graduates, he'll actually be on less money than his dad had working in the factory. He occasionally gets some carpentery work but wants to get back to dealing weed. Supplements his income by doing shit, overpriced DIY work for his friends. He's the one most likely to be rejected in a job interview. Because he was in a road range incident with the interviewer, two days before. Lives in Lancashire or the East Midlands.
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