My ideal climate is: January average high: -11°C January average low: -21°C Precipitation: 60 mm Feburary average high: -7°C Fevruary average low: -17°C Precipitation: 65 mm March average high: -1°C March average low: -8°C Precipation: 130 mm April average high: +10°C April average low: +2°C Precipation: 125 mm May average high: +27°C May average low: +13°C Precipation: 40 mm June average high: +34°C June average low: +17°C Precipation: 15 mm July average high: +43°C July average low: +24°C Precipation: 0 mm August average high: +41°C August average low: +22°C Precipation: 0 mm September average high: +33°C September average low: +15°C Precioation: 20 mm October average high: +18°C October average low: +8°C Precipation: 55 mm November average high: +2°C November average low -8°C Precipation: 60 mm December average high: -4°C December average low: -14°C Precipation: 60 mm For this climate January mean temp: -16°C July mean temp: +34°C Total precipation: 630 mm
110 in Summer, 10 I'm the winter. Way too extreme on both ends. Give me the tropics. 90 in summer, 80 in winter.
I think my ideal temperature, I mean a still day, zero wind is roughly -2C-5*C and I've tested this and thay when I can happily work in the garden without breaking a sweat. However, if I'm not working in the garden I want it to be like 20*C or something. Or maybe 17. Depends what I'm doing or if I'm in the sun or not. But then I also like those brutally cold winters where you just migrate from bed to couch to bed again because it's too cold to do anything else.
i don't know celcius and i'm not about to do the conversions. but i'm pretty much with the others in this thread, about 65 to 100 depending on the time of year sounds about perfect to me. makes you wonder why so many assholes decided to move us up into the fucking arctics.
Seem like a climate extremist, Grandeur. I enjoyed the weather in Florida and Texas during my times living there. I do like extreme heat and will intensely train during those times as a challenge. My ideal temps would be similar to that of Phoenix, AZ. Hot and dry almost all year round. With December, January, and February temps being the same as Miami. I am curious to what summers are like in Brazil. Because i went during their winter and yet the temps were in the 80's and 90's. Loved it.
never understood why anyone would call the tropics paradise. lots of green sure, but too much humidity, not to mention higher temperatures, not my idea of confortable at all. 68 to 70 f was my best temperature range when i was younger, as in most of my life. low 70s is still my favorite. the san francisco bay area the most purrfect climate to me, if there weren't too many people already there and everything being too expensive there because, rather obviously i'm not the only who would prefer that kind of climate. i do like to see snow in the winter, but i also, for me, the shorter the summer weather the better. spring and fall are the best seasons. anything much above 75 is time to go without underwear, and above 80 to stay where i can stay naked as much as possible. i'm not good at converting c to f, in my head, and having grown up familiar with f, but as a wild guess i'm mostly agreeing with the op.
My ideal weather would be.. Temps between 80-85f all summer long and dry Autumn would just be a long rainy season, 2 - 3 months of temps hovering between 50 and 60 f with rain every day A mild winter with temps above 45f except or 3 weeks of colder temps with snow would be fun. But no more than that And a long and beautiful spring, temps in the 60s and 70s This is basically the weather where I am except spring's are short and summer's are long and much hotter and too humid, and it snows maybe once
Yes! I've never visited the PNW but from what I know about it, it does seem well suited to me as far as weather and also the terrain/landscape
Pittsburgh sucks., but temp wise, not to cold in the winter and summer super heat only last a week or so. fall is pretty nice here..