My mind won't switch off, ever, so it's up to me to try and direct my thoughts to interesting and happy places.. which is honestly really hard, I'm running out of ideas! So what goes through your mind when you're trying to sleep? =)
I always forget but I suspect it can be almost anything that just happens to keep my mind busy at that time. So it could be plans for world domination but also thoughts about the movie, book or game I was busy with that evening.
Lately I usually think about school work and such, it's been busy. Actually, a few nights ago I was on the verge of sleep but had to get up and write some stuff down because I had, without really consciously trying, figured out a better way to structure an essay. Often I also think "I wonder if she's still awake and in the mood?"
I try not to think of anything because if I do, positive or negative then I can't fall asleep. I take my iPad to bed with me and play or read stuff like some people take a good book to bed and it is set to shut off in so many mins of non use so I don't have to worry about it being over used. Or I turn on the tv with a sleep timer on so it will shut off and let me sleep to the sound of my clock, or sound machine for the rest of the night. I am usually asleep before the tv shuts off. Sound alone to fall asleep by sometimes helps but usually my mind has to be on something like the iPad or tv so I just go with that and sound works till my phone starts a wake up music and alarm to wake me up. Before all of this cool electronic stuff like iPad and sound machines it was tv only then silence the rest of the night so I did tend to wake up and think. I have a busy mind so I have to make it busy other ways to avoid thoughts or I am doomed. Now here is the problem for the near future. BF will be moving in and he leaves his tv on all night to sleep by... Here is hoping he can live with it shutting off and letting the sound machine carry him through the night. If not we may have to find a compromise. He has left it on the nights I have stayed at his place and I woke up at 3 am to some chic screaming at some guy trying to rape her... What a way to wake up!
I pretty much do what Sally does if i cant sleep. If i am sleepy, I usually just admire how comfy im feeling. Few month ago Ihad too much worries and struggledwit getting sleep. Not being able to sleep became a great worry. Then i just decided to make the most of my days, do things tht interest me. Then having been busy sleep wuld eventually follow.
I read until I fall asleep with a book in my hand. Otherwise I don't fall asleep and just lay there thinking all night. I usually read some easy breezy guilty pleasure when I'm going to sleep so my brain will actually turn off.
As I fall asleep, if I suddenly switch back on from dozing it always amazes me the weird, crazy things I have been thinking about.
I try to do a repetitive thought or sequence as I have a really difficult time sleeping. I guess I eventually bore myself to sleep.
Ya, me too. Especially if a dream wakes me up and I remember it but can't understand it. I will go sit in my sunroom in the dark and pass out on the couch eventually.
Whatever music I'm listening to or if there's no music, usually love or something similar. I've been having a lot of thoughts about someone and I tend to drift into a dream conversation with that person.
hell, i don't know. i suppose if i thought about the same thing every night, that probably would put me to sleep, but i'm not that desperate for sleep so i think about whatever is relevant to me at the time.
mostly i try to avoid forcing my mind in any one direction, because i know doing so will only keep me awake. but once i've stilled my inner dialog, my first thoughts are of how to do things i like to do, or of the kind of world we would all be living in of so many people didn't think everything else under the sun and moon were more important. and there aren't a lot of cars or paved roads in that world, but endlessly odd, unique, unusual and interesting places. sometimes people to, but usually only when i'm interested in being around anyone, which isn't usually when i'm falling asleep. in many ways that landscape is a rural utopian fantasy, because the worship of cars and money are the only things that keep it from being one in real life.