I have met people from the UK and Canada as well as all over the USA. I’ve enjoyed learning about their lives and culture
For the most part the people here are nice not like the last place I hung out on. I've run into some animosity on here but most people here seem good natured and fun. Most debates a civil. The internet can be a mean place but this place seems great! And Candy's here
You being here Candy. You being here. You remind me of The Pied Piper. You even helped get rid of a Rat or two!
There is actually a good reason for this thread. Look at this link!!! WE ALL NEED TO POST GOOD REVIEWS! Hip Forums Reviews - 2.8 Stars
Love hipforums.com as it’s easy to blend in with mature people. I’ve been on other sites where they have played with the ban button to changing your username. I’ve been on here with other usernames. Not shy to admit that.
Yes, I know you returned, and I do keep an eye on you. I hate any form of nastiness. I see you get stick occasionally.
Would be nice! Would love to drink and have some laughs with a lot of folks from HF. But there’s a few I wouldn’t mind doing this to though: