I Have No Vices.....I Am As Pure As The "Driven Snow".... ....But As A Friend Once Pointed Out...... If You Drive Snow Too Hard It Turns To Slush......Never Really Understood What He Meant By That........ Cheers Glen.
That's good that you don't have any vices. It's quite the accomplishment, actually. Well, I see it as so. I'm not against vices. Life is hard and everyone needs something to get by. Also, I have a vice myself. I can't be against vices if I have one myself. I'll disclose mine when this thread gets more replies, if it does. I know not everyone likes to disclose their vice, or even admit to having one. I'm open and honest with my vice, though. I wonder if there is a difference between vices and addiction. I don't think there is. But, I'm not sure.
No Offence But Methinks You Missed The Point Of My Post So I'll Quote The Last Bit Again........... "If You Drive Snow Too Hard It Turns To Slush"...... :devil: . Cheers Glen.
Vice, meaning a "bad" activity I sometimes prefer to do without: porn That's it. Can't think of anything else.
Don't really have any, to be honest. I gave up pot smoking a few months ago, so now I simply deal with life without having to rely on anything to "get by".
You Unfortunatly Omitted To Declare The Approx 20 Liters Of Beer You Consume And Review Every Day Here........ Cheers Glen. PS.......Don't Hit Me I Was Only Joking......
Haha... to be fair, I do love beer, and I do sometimes drink a fair amount of it on my nights off. However, drinking it to get "fucked up" isn't really my intention, even though I like to put on a nice buzz as much as everyone else. Mainly I am just a beer enthusiast.
I guess cigarettes and alcohol, although I try to stay away from both for the most part. And i cant have onr without the other so as long as I avoid drinking i wont smoke either. I dont really consider pot a vice but i dont smoke it very often anymore either
this computer mostly, and my 'utopian'/'ecotopian' world building fantasies. there are many ways i could say, i don't think any one of them really get the idea across. the closest i can come is to try and make pictures, and so doing that becomes one of them too. i wouldn't call these vices though. i call them life. conventionality i would call the ultimate vice. luckily it holds no seduction for me.
Certain drugs: Alcohol, , Ketamine/dissociatives, Cocaine/Stims and most recently had a bad Benzodiazepine experience. Although I don't lump all drugs into this category of vices. Another would be eating out food.