What Are The Goals Of Communist?

Discussion in 'Communism' started by Motion, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    To those who are communist,especially in the U.S,what are your goals? What can you do with communism in the U.S?
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  2. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The goal of communism has and always will be the complete subversion and takeover of entire societies. It's the mode of operation behind which the elite of this world work to bring about their New World Order. Today it goes by many different names: liberalism, socialism, etc. Basically any -ism (feminism included).

    Just have a look at the '45 Goals for Communist Takeover', which was presented before Congress in 1963. Everything outlined within it is happening right now.

    The average person who calls themselves a "communist" is little more than an idealistic useful idiot who will be killed as soon as the regime fully takes over and they are no longer needed.

    So communism is sold to the peasants in a utopian light, but when played out it only results in outright barbarism and genocide.

    Communism, in short, is a tool of mass enslavement and mass murder.
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  3. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Death to western imperialism, yo.

    ......I guess, I don't really know, I'm a libertarian socialist. More socialist subsidy and less regulation for individuals, less socialist subsidy and more regulation for corporations.
  4. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    I basically want to know what the reason is for being a communist nowadays?

    No new countries today are going to adopt it as their system. So have communist made adjustments with their goals or focus on how and where to apply communist policies?
  5. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    How about equality before the law, in spite of not having a Law. Hearts are unified to one another with no laws in mind. But just the same the material Equality is achieved with legal conscience of common work.
  6. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    The end goal of communism is a classless, stateless society.
    It really is that simple.

    There is no set plan to achieve this goal, they only believe that it can and will be achieved.

    Of course, judging by the comments here, it is obvious that very few people on this board will ever understand this.
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  7. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    You are confusing the goals of communism, or rather you are attributing to communist doctrine the ideologies and interests of the ruling elite (the capitalist class)

    A 'NWO" to the communist, the way they understand it, is different from the doctrines of a "NWO" of the capitalist class (or Western powers generally). By being unaware of this you have tangled the two into one synthesis as if both the communist and the capitalist can exist in mutual relations in the same universe...they cannot.

    The doctrine of a 'NWO' of the Western powers is further confused within it's own sphere, in its own world by two classes in it. Namely the ruling class idea of a 'NWO' and the common classes idea of it.

    Within these parameters then, we see the 'NWO' express itself in two ways by the two classes in Capitalist society; one as more economic at heart and controlled by capital's demand to ever expand and grow markets. This fills up the Wall-Street journal and Magazines such as London's The Ecnomist. So a 'NWO', sanctioned officially by the ruling capitalist class, can be said to order in the name of capital and with this new order come all the miseries of a capitalist society, but ever more acute.

    On the other hand, but in this same Western sphere, is the ignorant idea of 'NWO by the common people, to the layperson generally. A 'NWO' to them is more spookism. Spookish because the ignorant are not enlightened to neither the workings of capitalism nor to the nature of communism. For the latter has slandered the former in a quest to suppress opposition to capital's self-interest and preservation. Communism as an system of emancipation is not only slandered but the people who would most be attracted to it are also mentally dulled by the social relations gone wild in capitalist society.

    The ignorance is further compounded by the belief that so-called communist China and Stalinist Russia were true representations of fundamental communist doctrines, as developed by Marx and theorized by Lenin. This is why to the ignorant, their 'NWO' is owls in California, triangles on dollar bills and celebrity blood baths, or back masking "satanic" songs by Justin Beiber. In short, it takes on a pop culture expression born by capitalist thought. It's a cry off the exploited intellect turned inward. The ironic part is that the symptoms of capitalism, chief of which is ignorance, gives rise to the very 'NWO'-Illuminati-conspiracy theory brand, which is only an expression of a desire to understand--but wholly introverted.

    Liberalism as an expression of human activity is wholly confined to the capitalist mode of production. Its an ideological expression to maneuver within the sphere of capitalist society, to fight against other 'isms' for the chance to influence capital into different factions, of who all compete with each other under the capitalist mode. Liberalism is an alien concept with communists. Further, Socialism can not be used as a blanket statement, simply because it means many things and has never had a strict definition. In the 1840s when the word was popular it had only meant that the people who used it to identify their political activity were merely concerned with social problems under the capitalist mode of production; and it did not imply communism...many socialist then, as well as today, are capitalist. Mr. Sanders comes to mind.

    To quote The Communist Manifesto,

    Communism seeks to abolish capitalist property. Which is in a word, private property

    Marx goes further,

    "The essential condition for the existence and sway of the capitalist class, is the formation and augmentation of capital; the condition for capital is wage-labor. Wage-labor rest exclusively on competition between the laborers...But does wage-labor create any property for the laborer? Not a bit. It creates capital, i.e., that kind of property which exploits wage-labor, and which cannot increase except upon condition of begetting a new supply of wage-labor for fresh exploitation."

    The irony in the capitalist mode of production is that 9/10 of the population does not own any property anyhow.

    The take away here is that you should study. Your statements are enormously ignorant and I was embarrassed for you while reading them. Like a TV commercial, with childlike-wonder, advertising products to adults, your conception of the world is characterized, generalized and shallow.

    On a serious note rat, PM me your address and ill send you a copy of the Manifesto. The notions you have and your ideology is really ruling class ideology.
    djomalley, Ged and Asmodean like this.
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    No, actually it appears you're the one who is ignorant.

    If I wanted to read Marx's manifesto, I could go to any commie website or message board run by 20-somethings living in their mom's basement and read it without you going through the effort of sending me a hard copy, which I am sure are handed out readily on college campuses all across the country to gullible morons who want to look cool and trendy. Besides, I HAVE read Marx's manifesto. The thing is, unlike you, I am aware of the vile person Marx was and who he worked for, and don't buy what he was trying to sell the masses on behalf of his banker bosses and fellow brethren.

    Marx was in the employ of the Rothschild family, and his goal was to sell the enslavement which is communism to the masses in a rosy light. You can't tell the masses they're going to be enslaved, so you sell them a rose-colored version of what can and never will be in hopes that people buy into it and go along with the monopoly capitalist agenda which is communism.

    Everything Marx laid out in his manifesto was outlined previously in the writings on Adam Weishaupt. Do you know who Adam Weishaupt is? He belonged to the same secret society Marx did.

    The fact is, there is a difference between what the masses believe communism to be, and what the elite at the top know it to be. You believe the lie of communism as it is sold to the masses. The bankers who gave us communism (who also gave us capitalism) never believed the silly stuff you do.

    Maxism, Stalinism, Leninism and Trotskyism are all the same thing to me, and you're not going to change my mind.

    Without Marxism, the latter would not have been possible.

    Capitalism, socialism and communism have always been administered by the same few people at the top, and I seriously question the intellect of anyone who sees communism as a solution to capitalism, because they're two sides of the same fucking coin. The whole purpose of capitalism was to bring us to socialism, then from there full out communism (mass murder and enslavement).

    In short, communism (monopoly capitalism for and by the elite) is "ruling class ideology."
  9. Lolli

    Lolli Visitor

    i have visited large communes. communism works very well when everyone is in agreement & working 2gether toward a common goal. the communes i visited manufacturer children's toys & different kinds of chairs 4 handicap ppl. everyone works 6 hours a day even the disables & elderly. they grow a lot of their own food & produce their own power. they eat 2gether & worship 2gether. i'd rather live like that than the way i live in our dysfunctional capitalist society
  10. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    What's up rat? If you have the time could you answer these questions?

    1. What proof is there that Marx was employed by the Rothschild family and especially in the manner you describe? Or, why do you believe he was apart the "Illuminati"

    2. What is the Illuminati anyway?

    3. If you have the time can you show me the similarities between Adam Weishaupt and the content in Communist Manefesto ?(I am not familiar with Weishaupt, besides knowing he is associated with the "Illuminati").

    4. If Marx was employed by the Capitalist, the Rothschild's for example, why would he produce devastating works, one after another, to empower the working class to understand their captivity and gives them ideology to over throw the capitalists? IN short, why would Rothschild employ the anti-thesis to the way which he exploits and acquires his wealth?


    It would do you well to take Marx on his own terms and not on the terms of "basement" dwellers or 20-somethings in capitalist universities. You will find Marx a revolutionary against the very capitalist class, with their mode of production, that binds the majority to capital.
  11. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Communism has noble ends such as the empowerment of the poor and underprivileged and exploited.

    But the means it takes for this act, such as violent revolution and so on can be quite barbaric and uncivilized. This is where it fails short.

    Democratic means to usher change through discussion, dialogue and consensus building are not its strong points.
  12. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    The same "democratic" means that brought the blood sucking power of Capital to the globe has been the most violent and shattering to life the world has ever known...

    I only say this to get you to think.
  13. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Communism at this point can be equated with utopia because it has never been realized in a proper form.
  15. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Perhaps Plato's philosopher-kings might be a better option than democracy which had slain his mentor Socrates.

    Democracy too have many vices as you said above and is not a perfect system but it is the best we can do with at this point of time.
  16. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    In what ways is it the best we can do at this point in time?
  17. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Well, at least there will be some accountabilty in the system, and people will not be killed for some superficial reasons as in Hitler's Germany, Mao's China and Stalin's Russia.

    A free enlightened press is also important for the functioning of a healthy democracy, and the lack of this is what is stifling Russian democracy at the moment. Still you can see the younger generation of Russians using facebook as a tool to protest against Putin's authoritianism.

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