The title is self-explanatory; what foods do you like the most? As you all will see, my alias is 'Carnivore' for an obvious reason. Anyway, I like: Burgers Doughnuts Steak Pizza Shrimp Bagels (with peanut butter) Bananas Beef jerky Pork ribs Apple pie Brownies Mushrooms (preferably sauteed) Food is great.
Meat and fish. Almost any kind of meat and almost any kind of fish. I also like chocolate milk. Oh yeah, and mushrooms, regular, sauteed, or hallucinogenic...
Beef (steak, prime rib, ground round) Fish/seafood (tuna, salmon, flounder, haddock, smelts, scallops) Chicken (preferably grilled with either barbeque or lemon pepper seasoning) Sushi Italian cusine Chinese cusine Macaroni and cheese (homemade) Chilli Buffalo wings Cheeseburgers White pizza Italian sausage Lettuce salad Fresh fruits and vegetables (oranges, strawberries, green beans, lettuce) New England Clam Chowder Macadamia nuts Cheese (Gouda, Feta, Emmental/Swiss, Havarti, Rochefort, Cammembert) Swiss chocolate German Chocolate Cake Those are a few
To name a few: french fries mushrooms cucumbers carrots (raw and cooked) green beans fuji apples peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly) pancakes with salt and pepper and butter (no syrup) ice cream mozzerella sticks bananas spaghetti cheese tortellini red and purple grapes some flavours of yogurt most flavours of ice-cream so much more..
Sushi Seafood in general Thai Noodle Dishes Good Mexican Food Tandoori Bagels with Cream Cheese, Onion, and Lox
mmmmm! tofu saucy bars! also, saag paneer masala dosas kheer vegetarian sushi white pizza with mushrooms baba ganouj spanakopita vegetarian puerto-rican style (i know it seems like a contradiction!) red beans and rice marinated tofu salad portobello mushrooms marinated eggplant roasted red pepper arugula garlic mustard bok choy fresh sweet corn on the cob blackberries ripe, juicy peaches my own homemade bread
My favourite foods are: Mint Aero chocolate bars Swiss Chalet gravy extra buttery popcorn extra cheesy pizza
Well............................. I like: Cheetos Pretzles Nachos BBQ Chips Tacos Buritos Really anything mexican Chocolate Dohnuts Peanut butter cups Spagetti and sauce rice & soya sauce Chicken chow mein Loads more but thats all I can think of at the minute EDIT: KFC chicken and gravy ans biscuits
i like uhh any kind of rice purple grapes bananas basically any kind of fresh fruit and vegetable for that matter oatmeal and cream of wheat peanut butter and jelly i dont eat meat, chicken or fish..havent in 9 years and im not big on dairy..havent touched it in 3 years but i am not a veagan..
raw cow almost raw dead cow choclet noodles in lemon chicken broth toona noodle salad almost anything and everything else i don't have all the time with a very few notable exceptions. them little round things of rice with sea weed wrapped around them that sometimes have raw fish in them (i.e. "sushi", which i occasionaly make myself, though i haven't gotten good enough for prime time at it yet) my quickie caccitori chicken enchilada's with lots of jack cheese sauce in them. nonstandard soft taco's souvlaki (a greek kind of soft taco) dolmas (rice and stuff, wrapped in a pickled grape leaf, "greek sushi"?) spinicopida (greek spinich soufley, or any other nationality thereof for that matter) stuff from the land, immidiately after picking and washing off myself. both gathered and cultivated. (makes the salad stuff you get in the store taste like styrofoam) mocachino, home made on my own little espress machine, what we got fur a wedding present, yea odd many years ago. milk, believe it or not, 2%, with lots of chocklet and a bit of coffee in it. plain water with a drop of lemon squeezinz in it, that we keep in a jug in the fridge. oh did i mention dill picles? not just cucumber but all sorts of mixed vegies including olives. SHROOMS with or without meat, but usualy with noodles or rice, often in a sauce or gravey to pour over them. fishies, niiice fishies. even liver, a little, to flavour fried onions, something i don't get enough of, and i don't mean those damd breaded onion rings at the fast food joints either. nori, that seaweed stuff ya wrap arround the stickey rice to make suchi, goes good in toona noodla soopa too. stuffed poke chopps w/ spatzil. (kind of a mini noodle like dumpling) dumplings i don't even need, but yum. knadlach sveedisher meata balls and on and on ... i LIKE FOOD. too much i like food. =^^= .../\...
Peanut butter, first and foremost, my favorite source of protein energy! Pizza, loaded, especially with lots of veggies and extra sauce, but hold the anchovies please! Authentic Mexican food, I love it all. Soups, many different types, avoid cream-based broths, and all made by yours truly.
I like lots and lots of food, but my favorites are: tacos mashed potatoes vegetable chilli cheese steaks pizza lasagna guacamole soft pretzels cheese cake sausage bread crab legs lobster bisque shrimp cheese fries stuffed shells sushi portabello mushrooms ribs steak pizza (but only from the real italian places where its so greasy the cheese falls right off, mmmmm) thats all i can think of at the moment, i will be back later.