I like my nipples , but on other girls I really love hips. That spot where the muscle flexes when you lift your leg. It’s so sexy on a nude woman.
You Forgot To Add......Cleaning And Cooking......I Will Now Go And Lock My Doors And Hide Under The Bed Till The Shooting Dies Down...... Cheers Glen.
It's impossible for me to narrow it down to a single body part. As a hetero guy, it's quite natural for me to be attracted the breasts, butts, and legs, and obviously more. But those lose their meanings when whoever they are attached to has an unpleasant personality. So, I suppose I'll say the brain of a personable lady.
I just meant in general. What’s your favourite part? Let’s pretend for a minute that all women had pleasant personalities lol.
I agree with it though. A 10/10 visual with a bad personality is a real turn off and then some other girls, might be a bit more cuddly on the sides, if she's fun then she can go to 10/10.
Alright, we shall pretend that's the case, lol. But even so, I couldn't just pick one thing. If I were to do that then it would probably be the right amount of body fat that creates that feminine curves, preferably the right amount of muscles are also underneath it, too. Kind of Melissa Joan Hart from a little while back, or the current Georgia Jones(porn star) type look.
assuming said guy isn't a zombie and doesn't appreciate her brain for all the wrong reasons... that said, a personable woman still appreciates when a guy compliments her fine ass too, as long as he doesn't do it like a hipforums creep.
Hmmm, let me think. My preferences include boobs that aren't very big, and butts that look nice whether they are on the small side or the big side. Shapely legs ditto. Well hey, would you count hair as a body part? Because if so, then I'd definitely pick natural red hair, matching upstairs and downstairs type, lol.
Oh yeah, I agree. I've done my share of complimenting the ladies in that manner here on HF in my day, and have always done my utmost not to come across as a creep. Those who were on the receiving end of such compliments were always appreciative of my gestures, so that's what matters I suppose.