I was just wondering, has anyone ever seen or even participated in a wet t-shirt contest before? If so can you describe it?
Yes. I've watched one. Let me think for a minute what's involved.... That's it; a woman wears a t-shirt, then it gets wet. What a fucking incredible concept! I still can't understand why it's called a wet t-shirt contest. Can anybody help to explain it?
Been in Daytona for bike week and Miami Beach during winter break. Attended a few contests. There's a lot of beer and tits. Girl in white tee and bikini bottoms parades on stage to a raucous crowd. The crowd usually consists of college students on break. Girl is sprayed or doused with water making the tee translucent. Then girl shakes her visible tits to crowd applause. Next girl comes on stage in like outfit. Water douse and tit shake to applause again. After all of the contestants are on stage the judging begins for the best tits. Usually the tees are discarded and the bravest lose the bikini bottoms too. Raucous applause and beer slinging comes from the crowd as the contestants pose nude for the prize. Winner is determined by the loudest applause usually because she is totally nude and lewdly shows her pussy to all.
Never seen one. Seems to me something that belongs to a bygone age given that topless sunbathing is accepted in many places, certainly outside the US.
There is a lot more to a wet T-shirt contest than just topless sunbathing. See @Barry Mandelay post above.