Opiates are awesome! Nothing like snorting roxy 30s all day! It's a great feeling until you can't afford it and then figure out that heroin is cheaper but eventually that will break you too. Now you are hooked tho and can only afford tabs and percs and have to take 6 or so 10s just to not get sick! Then u smarten up and get tired of chasing pills and worrying if u will have any day to day and decide to go to the methadone clinic! The one I went to charged 15$ a day cause it was ran by the good people of CRC group! They only care about money. They don't tell you that methadone is worse to get off than all of them! Why would they when 700 people bring them about 15,000$ a day lol? If any of you go to a clinic only go up to a mg that lets u function all day and sleep through the night. DO NOT be those people that think they will still get high by going up to 100+ mgs a day. You will only get high maybe the first week and then ur on such a high dose your trapped! I only went up to 50 and got out in a year and a half detoxing about 2 or 3 mg a week. You will still withdrawal for a week up to a month if you let your mind get you. It's mostly psychological at this point. Tell yourself it's the worst flu and believe it! I didn't want to go through that again so I pumped myself full of benzos and never felt any withdraw from the beast! That's the glorious life of an opiate addict! Well hope you like my story, I'm gonna snort a Norco now lmao.
Sounds like a story your really feeling! Im lucky enough to be ten years into living as a chipper. Ive enjoyed heroin for atleast four but have been very wary!
You're not really going to snort a Norco are you? But I feel you on the Methadone. A couple years ago I was really going through my Hydro script fast and was constantly buying from other people. I met this one guy who was prescribed 10mg Methadone pills for pain, and he wasn't taking all of them, so he started selling some to me at a decent price ($3). I didn't do enough research on that drug, so the first night I took 30mg. Fuck me. I was still nodding off the next night. You're right though, after the first couple times I didn't really catch a buzz from it, just a heavy sedated feeling. I settled on 10mg per day, which kept me comfortable and provided good pain control for a full 24 hours. I didn't do enough to get hooked on it luckily, but I have known some people who have ended up trapped on the stuff.
I agree as well on the methadone, aside from Sub's there isn't a simpler way to skyrocket a tolerance.