Welcome to COOL!

Discussion in 'COOL Public Forum' started by skip, Jul 18, 2006.

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  1. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    This forum is the home of COOL, the Community of One Love. Please read the threads in the Main COOL forum for more info about this.

    If you have any questions about COOL, please post them here.

    To join the group, please apply here:

  2. wizarddrew77

    wizarddrew77 The Wiz

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    OK I think thiis is a great idea and I am game.
  3. old tiger

    old tiger Senior Member

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    good idea..I'll check it out as well..
    but I will not join..I'm not religious:p
  4. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Yes - it seems like a good idea although I can see potential problems right away. For instance does COOL believe in a God, and if so what sort of God etc. Still, I'll join and I'll be happy to contribute anything I can.
  5. shameless_heifer

    shameless_heifer Super Moderator

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    Sign me up, I'm cool :p
  6. spook13

    spook13 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Since Black Bill is here, I'll check it out.
  7. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    The concept of One Love acknowledges a conscious supreme being, the creator, yes. How you define that being is up to you.

    Personally, I believe in a supreme being, but I in no way apply any anthropomorphic characteristics to it. In fact I just accept that it is completely beyond my comprehension, and any attempt to define it, limits it, separating it from me.

    The Buddhist in me does have a problem with a deity as portrayed by most other religions. To me the key is to recognize its unfathomability, and accept its metaphysical reality - its omnipresence in everything.

    Atheists would probably be uncomfortable with some definitions of God, but perhaps only ones that seek to add a personality or agenda to it.
    fylthevoyd likes this.
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Yes I agree. I think that probably the best thing is really to say there are many, many conceptions of God - it's up to the individual to believe in what they're comfortable with, and which adds some depth to life.
    Where trad religions go wrong IMO is in seeking to claim exclusivity for their own belief.

    I guess what we're talking about here is a kind of universalism.
  9. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Any attempt to claim to have access to the truth or Truth, to deny or affirm any God or gods, to "know" etc. is to establish a dogma, in my view.

    Even atheists must be included as they are part of the human condition....or does one need to believe in some sort of supreme being or they are Un-cool?
  10. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Meagain, I think you need to clear out your preconceptions.

    Truth is a relative thing. Your truth and mine are not the same. Yet we all seek it. Thus saying to seek truth is dogma makes no sense. Dogma, the way you see it is what you force people to believe. I don't think the intent is to force anything on anybody.

    Dogma is merely a belief. It has come to mean something negative because of all the b.s. religious dogma we have to deal with in our lives.

    If we can agree on some basic fundamental principles (like all religions and organizations do), we can proceed from there.

    I think you're referring to old style religions that claim to be the ONLY true religions and the only paths to God. That is the ultimate dogmatic and exclusive position to take. I think we've already rejected that assumption for COOL, no?

    As I just said above:
    It's up to each individual. COOL will be what it will be. It won't include or exclude any individual based on their own beliefs. They decide whether to join or not. Nobody "must" be included.
  11. oldwolf

    oldwolf Waysharing-not moderating Super Moderator

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    Taking me a while to get around to this - wanting to not just react.....

    In my own searches involving both spirit and community, I have chosen to stay away from religion.
    Religion by definition formalizes.
    Left religions behind because not matter how good the intent they exclude - even if it be only the reaction of the individual observing from without.
    In seeking Self empowerment I realize that each must find their own Way through the choices they make, calling to themselves the lessons inherent in these choices.

    For long, I have said I would not wish to take from another their faith or religion but I have perceived the Way of going inside to bring greater interior developement - which to me is what it is all about. Without it coming from within - to me - it is not yours, but something you are borrowing as an outside structural support for what you lack from within.

    I have looked into religion for some of the very reasons you have, but chosen Not because of the pitfalls I perceive in formalizing any belief system and excluding others by the mere concept of a relgion.

    While I applaud your Intent, I find within myself the same challenges which determined why I would not follow up with this concept before.

    Blessings along the Way - the Lessons we Learn from.


  12. SvgGrdnBeauty

    SvgGrdnBeauty only connect

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    I think this is a v. cool (no pun intended thing)...world community is something that is v. badly needed. :) Good idea Skip. :)
  13. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Excuse me for playing devil's advocate but I was trying to point out some pitfalls that may be encountered.
    I did not say that to seek truth was to establish dogma, I attempted to convey that any claim to know "the Truth" is to establish dogma. Please excuse my poor use of words.
    Now, I realize that you are not going to present this endeavor as the ultimate solution or truth intentionally. I was trying to illustrate the point that oldwolf is making. (Excuse me oldwolf if I am wrong).
    Anytime a group is formed, by definition, it excludes someone.

    You made a statement:
    Again, forgive me, but in my limited way I may have misunderstood that remark. Language has its problems.

    "A dog barks; the Caravan passes."[​IMG] Arabic Proverb
  14. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Maybe this isn't the place for this, but doesn't that depend on what you think truth is? If you think it's a rational formulation, a kind of 'final' idea, or set of ideas, then obviously to define it is to set up dogma in a loose sense of the word.
    But if you think that ultimate truth in this sense is something beyond final definition, something that can't be fully defined or formulated then surely this problem disappears?

    Truth is like a diamond with many facets. If you're looking at one facet you are seeing the same diamond as someone looking from another angle at a different facet.
  15. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    I think we're just arguing semantics here. I believe the points made by Megain and Old Wolf are irrelevant to what we're doing.

    Again, dogma simply means belief. Nothing more. I suggest everyone familiarize themselves with such religious terms definitions before attributing negative or positive qualities to what is essentially a neutral term.

    Perhaps they're referring to the paradox of people having their own truth, vs. a groups' perception of the truth. In any case this debate has no place in this thread, and should be taken up in its own thread.
    fylthevoyd likes this.
  16. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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  17. Kharakov

    Kharakov ShadowSpawn

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    In addition, shouldn't our creator get to define itself? It seems allowing people to define God leads to disagreements.
  18. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    By definition, a definition is a limiting description. So God defies definition (although the term:infinite comes close, which basically means undefinable). Why waste our time in a fruitless task?

    I would say the thing about God is to experience it within yourself, and learn to find it within others. Little else matters in the scheme of things...

    God = Love

    Can we agree on that?
  19. oldwolf

    oldwolf Waysharing-not moderating Super Moderator

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    so let me put this in a question from :
    Is the only purpose for forming this religion the 'rights' it gives you.
    If a religion is pretty much all inclusive - why create that which is not able to be created and will go the way of all religions so created before this one - when the priest class comes...... - Any authority or something codifed - formalized - has a way of de facto excluding - how can any religion go beyond what it means to be a religion ?

    Again the Intent is applauded - but .....

    No offense is intended but all sincerity would hopefully be welcome. And if this post creates an offense within thee - by all means cut it out and cast it away (My humor is dry, but that does not mean the points made are the less for that). Having wrestled with this before - I am interested in how you deal with those issues which decided me against going this route previously.
  20. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    I still don't see your point oldwolf. If people want to "exclude" themselves, they can. If they want to join they can. It's always their choice.

    "Hinduism is not a codified religion" - M.K. Gandhi

    See it's really not a problem.

    You seem to be looking so far down the road, anticipating the worst scenario based upon your own experience. While that's a fine intellectual exercise for you, it profits us not at this point.

    COOL isn't for everybody. I have no illusions about that.

    "how can any religion go beyond what it means to be a religion ?"

    I really think you're just asking rhetorical questions here, and I'm not going to project potential scenarios of the negative kind, cause that's not what it's about. It's about POSITIVE VIBRATIONS.

    So if you want to play devil's advocate that's fine, just start another thread, thanks.
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