Hi there. I love this site and thought I would unload my weird sex fetish on you people and get some free counselling....or tips to make it better. So every time a ssmoke pot and drink booze, I get really weird. I've been doing this for years but now I think it's out of control. I'll get right to it. I'm a male from the US Combination of weed and booze turns me on. I rent a hotel and cross dress alone Usually bring music, booze, toys And pretend I'm a super attractive chick sleeping with guys (I get pretty wasted) Is this weird, should it be encouraged and am I going to hell?
Huh... yeah maybe. But I'm not attracted to guys in the slightest. If i was bisexual i would be into both sexes It's women that turn me on and I guess i want to fantasize about being a woman...
It is more complicated than that. Sexuallity is more grey than people think, or want to think. Every guy on the planet is attracted to his own penis. And his body. It gives us hours of pleasure when we are alone. Equally, I gaurentee you at minimum 80% or better - of all men have slipped on some panties, or tried on their wives panty hose (and then became horrified at how easy they are to rip!!) We like our bodies. And what better way to express that attraction than to make it more like what we are attracted to!? What you are doing is fine. Hell, I am 50 and still do every once in a while.
Haha I haven't ripped the panty hose yet but there's still time. It's definitely a grey area and I agree that sex is a very subjective thing that isn't so black and white and is in fact grey as you stated. Perhaps it's something I don't need to worry so much about except for the financial aspect of it lol
I don't condone the use of taking drugs myself, but then that's just my personal preference because I don't need that kind of input to stimulate my mind. I myself have become an expert in stimulating my own natural drug Dopamine in a natural way, so it works out a lot cheaper that way.