weed and singing

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Persephone81, May 19, 2006.

  1. Persephone81

    Persephone81 Member

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    Does anyone know the effects of pot on your singing voice? I have a friend who is a singer and says smoking ruins her throat to the point that she can barely sing at all, let alone well. She smokes blunts though, and I think the tobacco may be harsher for the throat. I also know a Jamaican guy who is trying to make it as a reggae singer and he said he stopped cutting his weed with tobacco because he has some gigs coming up, but he still smokes pot every day. I would think that smoke alone, no matter what kind, would be bad for your throat and lung capacity, but some people say no. I ask because I am a theatre major and do a lot of musical theatre but I also smoke a lot of pot. It's never affected me that I can tell, but my career may depend on my singing voice and I want to preserve it, but then again I don't know if I could ever give up marijuana. Thoughts?
  2. Sodium + Chloride

    Sodium + Chloride Member

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    All I know is when I sing I feel like im in the music video. Such a great feeling. Kind of hard to drive while Im dancing around and singing though.

    Seriously though, I would think any kind of smoke would take away from your singing ability. I know since Ive started smoking Ive had a lot more phlem buildup but not necessarily a harsher voice although that may take longer to kick in.
  3. rg paddler

    rg paddler Senior Member

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    yeah its different for evry1- check out Janis Joplins voice though - she apparently smoked like a chimney - dont know - but she sounds like she did.Deep,cracked,rock and really sexy
  4. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    its not the actually weed that will affect your voice, but the fact that your taking smoke into your lungs cant be too good. but smoking in moderation will ease any damage to your lungs. though most damage is unnoticable.
  5. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    you could vapourise or eat it, but if you anna keep smoking, just dont smoke tobacco. as log as you dont moke too often, it shouldnt mak a big difference. it sorta depends what sorta singing you wanna do though.
  6. SirTokesAlot

    SirTokesAlot Lives

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    I'm sure smoking anything wont be good for singing..
  7. AcousticPeace

    AcousticPeace Member

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    I used to sing a lot before i started smoking pot, now i can only sing occasionally and when i do its usually not for very long.
  8. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    you need to get active! at 16 even with daily weed smoking your lungs should be plenty healthy, unless you have some knid of health problem. physical activity will restrengthen your lungs, i promise.
  9. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    taking stimulants can make your voice temporarily better if youre a singer (ie you need to know what youre doing to make use of the benefits that the stimulants can give)
  10. OstrOsized

    OstrOsized Member

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    When I smoke weed and sing I feel like my voice is more smooth on the transition of high and low notes...But anyway, Pot doesn't hurt your throat or lungs nearly as much as tobacco, so in moderation I'm sure it'd be fine.
  11. napolean inrags95

    napolean inrags95 Member

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    i think the fact that marijuana is an oil based resin, while tobacco is a tar based resin makes weed easier on your lungs. and even if it isn't GOOD for your singing voice, she obviously would not be the first singer to smoke heavily. i mean, just think about it, musicians and marijuana just go together. phil, jerry, and bobby weir from the dead all sang/sing well. paul simon and art garfunkel both still smoke pot from what i've heard, and no matter what you think about the music of simon and garfunkel you can not say they do not have amazing singing voices. so i dont think smoking weed can really ruin your singing voice, maybe put a little strain on it or something..
  12. Persephone81

    Persephone81 Member

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    I think this sounds pretty accurate.

    >>i think the fact that marijuana is an oil based resin, while tobacco is a tar based resin makes weed easier on your lungs. and even if it isn't GOOD for your singing voice, she obviously would not be the first singer to smoke heavily. i mean, just think about it, musicians and marijuana just go together. phil, jerry, and bobby weir from the dead all sang/sing well. paul simon and art garfunkel both still smoke pot from what i've heard, and no matter what you think about the music of simon and garfunkel you can not say they do not have amazing singing voices. so i dont think smoking weed can really ruin your singing voice, maybe put a little strain on it or something..<<

    So everyone's saying moderation is best for preserving the voice...ok, thats sorta how I am now. I smoke a ton otherwise but when preparing for a show I either cut out weed or scale it way back. It seems to work.
  13. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    marijuana is not oil based compared to tobacco. ther eis not such thing as 'marijuana oil' except if you are tlaking about taking all the cannabinoids off and making some sort of hash oil from it. but you can do the same with tobacco. neither of them are 'oil' based, both of them are tar based.
  14. Grapefruity

    Grapefruity Sunny Side Up

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    Doesnt really change my voice. I guess some girls would care more about their soft voice though.

    maybe you will start having a smoker voice that is an awesome singin voice too. kinda like janis joplin maybe, you know, not perfect voice but awesome
  15. WishIWasAHippie

    WishIWasAHippie Senior Member

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    Vaporize it, or eat it like Bill said, problem solved.

    Then you don't even have to worry about if it does or doesn't :p
  16. britanizer25

    britanizer25 Member

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    All I know is I am a singer, and I smoke pot a lot! During high singing season, I dont smoke as much, but I do smoke. But lately I have been smoking like everyday, and right now, my voice is in the sh*ts! Im giving it a week to heal, so well see what happens!
  17. zeppelin kid

    zeppelin kid Member

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    For some people yes it can hurt the sound or tone of their voice but you also have to realize how many music artists smoke ciggerettes and pot and drink a lot of hard liquor. So chances are it won't ruin your voice.
  18. thedudeabides0

    thedudeabides0 Member

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    A lot of times when I'm high I feel like I can sing better; it can be easier to reach those high notes. A friend of mine agrees. However, if I've been smoking a lot it can be hard for me due to coughing and such. My theory is that it's good in the short run, but in the long run it might be a little hard on your voice. Like everyone else said, in moderation I think it should be ok.
  19. snoopdogg

    snoopdogg Member

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    bob marley is a good singer and also im pretty sure marvin gaye smoked some and his voice is amazing
  20. MrHighCharli3

    MrHighCharli3 Member

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    a good way to preserve your lungs are to do some breathing excersizes. my friend who has been smoking since she was 10 or something and she does yoga/breathing stuff yada yada, and she got a test, it was kinda a picture of her lungs and they were pink and hardly any damage, so breathing excersizes are good to do for any smoker. and if you do those already you should be fine

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