After dinner one night you decide to catch up on You-Tube videos by just watching those that had been uploaded during the past 24hours. Approximately how long would you be sitting at your computer.
Give me your best guess on the poll The answer if I was asking the question about HF, would be about 2 minutes. LOL
I think the most I will spend on YouTube would be 100 minutes (at most) a day and that's only for documentaries, etc. type of stuff.
I needed to re-read the OP a couple of times. It's actually a question about the volume of new content posted on youTube. It's about how long it would take to watch all those new videos posted within the last 24hrs. It's not about how much time we spend on youTube or what we watch.
I'm running out of things to watch even on the great YouTube... I like culture (60/70s music, film, comedy, interviews) and I've actually seen many multiple times. I contact archives for the things not on online but there's only so much great stuff out there, which makes the mediocre shit unwatchable.
Thank you for you reply. Will you give me your estimate on how long you think that it would take you to watch all the videos uploaded onto YouTube in a single day.?
Like TiKTok?......................evil(youth) and chinees.................. for you US people Current interwebz(social media/smartphones/commercial) not the same as the old interwebz. Even as a interwebz addict/gamer/supporter(free info/history).............i have my doubts(current social media/commercialisme), for younger generations and what they grow up with. Attention span? Mzzls
The question is #1, at the start of the thred. All that I am looking for is your gut feeling entered in the poll and as a reply.
100 minutes at most? Not for any particular reason, I’ve never subscribed to anybody, and my rather random nature of seeking videos out means I’m just not often watching anybody’s newest stuff. M
I'm usually on my comp in the morning for a few hours and up above I can add as many sites as I want. For example= Right now I have Hip Forums--right next to that I have Yahoo news and then You Tube. So I switch back and forth if I find something on You Tube that I want to put up here. So basically I'm on You Tube for a few hours , but only watch it for an hour or so.
You seemed to miss my original question. It was purely hypothetical, asking at a rough guess, how long do you think that it would it take to watch ALL the videos that had been uploaded within the previous 24 hours. When you reply, I will tell you how accurate you were.