So have been watching this for about a month now and really want to delve into thought processes.Any odd thoughts anyone would like to share?
I don't watch television. I stopped watching years ago in 2008 after I prayed for hollywood to burn and it did. It was awesome. That true life event would be a great episode for some sort of paranormal or supernatural show. But then I'd be furious at the idiocy of such a thing and so other people would have to pray for rain so I don't wrathfully set the world ablaze. Alright?
television, like certain name brands of religion i'll forgo to mention for the moment, ALWAYS wants to STEAL YOUR BRAIN. (so that the corporate criminals who own it can keep their hands in your pockets, and run/ruin your governments) (well not always, there are secret underground channels that try to fight back with honesty. they just don't carry the kind of biased 'entertainment' (and infotainment) that are the signature hallmarks of corporate skullduggary, diggery daggery)
i would say, if its thought processes you're actually interested in, major in psych in college, or at least, watch people, instead of television.
i did that. it's disappointing. most of it isn't so much about people's thought processes, as it is about the thought processes of about 10 crazy people who made up nonsensical explanations for the thought processes of other people. and then there's that one professor who's more interested in what his pigeons would peck at when locked in a box than he is in anything else.
There's a rap album called Criminal Minded which would probably offer more insight into the human psyche than any TV Show. Hotwater