Just needed to cry to the universe, and anyone who can relate. I'm wondering how long others have waited for suboxone. I started the process in the last week on March, seeing the counselor, doing weekly UA's, having blood drawn and that whole thing. The problem is that I still haven't gotten even a taste of suboxone. I'm going totally out of my mind. I've been waiting patiently for almost 4 weeks, and it's torture. I have an appointment to. FINALLY see the doctor on Tuesday the 29th. This process has made me more suicidal than was before, but I'll be damned if I give up now. I've never been jerked around this long by drug dealers. Is there anyone on here who's been through the process, and how did it go for you?
I have sympathy for you situation. However, my experience a couple years back was not similar. I paid cash for a doc's visit, he did cash only for appointments, he gave me suboxone right there in the office as he could see I was sweating bullets and felt like shit. Very cool doctor. He ended up getting blacklisted from my insurance for a crime committed years earlier. Long story short I switched docs. I can't remember how long it took me to switch but It was probably like 2-3 weeks, and my subs from the street or doc lasted me until the next appointment. I can't remember which. I know it feels shitty now, but the doc will get you and get you well. Best of luck
You thought you were sick before....subo makes you much worse than heroin. But, if the day comes you need to step the monkey back down, be warned it takes more than kratom or opiates to detox it or the withdrawals will last forever. Subo is worse than heroin.
Oddapple are you talking from personal experience? I'm not trying to call you out but I think coming off sub was a breeze. I dropped my dose down to .25mg for a week and then stepped off after two years of use. I had a week's worth of k-pins to help sleep, other than that I was pretty golden. Not near as harsch as cold-turkey heroin or oxy habit. I could see it having worse withdrawals if you quit at 8mg sub + cold turkey. But I don't think any doc advises that.
I have only had to take subo people on the skids. Higher end dose and actually tired of bring dope sick. I would not do a maintenance patient. I just note that it seems they are worse off and clinically the half life of subo is longer. There is also a subo-morphine combo out now that everyone knows is just a junkie maker, put out for profit in the name of pain. But I think you are right in the end, I need to stick to my rule of "let each choose and do it as they think, with the chance to try whatever's out there and continual chances to try again" I can't see frustrating everybody, wasting much, much more time and having to labor over people's coming up and down. Substances are personal business, getting it right or fucking it up.
Grimjivey, When you first went to Sub Dr., what was the purpose? Were you still using opiates at the time and are you still using, or is this more for mental withdrawals? I ask because my 1st visit to SUB Dr., I was still medicated but after the initial visit where he asked the history of my use, my current dosage/day.....etc. This was on a Tuesday, I took my last opiate Wednesday morning, 48 hrs later, in full blown withdrawals off a 120mg Opana, 300mg Oxy/day habit, I sat in his office, took my first 8mg strip. I went from doubled over in the chair to hopping around ready to dance in 45mins, lol all from simply "getting normal". While Dr's. have to be certified(read pay a certification fee more or less), you are the first who had to wait a month before a script I've ever heard of. Unfortunately, my 1st experience with Sub's was more of an addict hitting the panic button. 3 months later I took my last opiate and went full time to Subs, that was 27 months ago. Took my last Sub 15 moths ago. Like Ness, I tapered my dose down below 1mg and jumped, and other than fatigue it was a walk in the park compared to cold turkey at the opiate doses I was at. OddApple makes one good point, SUBS are in some ways like heavy opiate use in terms of withdrawal. If you get on SUBS and take it as prescribed for 10-14 days, don't jump off unless you have a good dose of your DOC, else like OA said, withdrawals will probably be worse than most any other you might have experienced. I was on SUBS probably 6 to 8 months longer than I needed to be. Normal starting dose is 8mg/ 3 times a day. For those in the know, that dose is to get your receptor's well saturated with SUB. After 2-3 days, you will need to cut that dose by 1/2 at least. At the 1 month mark, your goal should be down to 8mgs or less, preferably at 6mg/day. When I figured it out, I was taking 3 2mg doses per day for 3 weeks, then I dropped the middle dose. When I did this, I started skipping days. One every 4 days for about 2 weeks, then 1 every 3 days for 2 weeks. Skipping a day will not put you close to withdrawals due to the long Half-Life someone mentioned. I just looked at it as getting my body ready for NO SUBS. Once I was skipping every other day still at 4mgs total/day, I dropped to 2mgs/day, 1mg in morning and then again at night. Then did the same process over again, 6 weeks later I stepped off and haven't looked back. This is what worked for me, obviously you will have to use what works for you. Good luck man, SUBS are a hell of lot easier than people lead others to believe. The 3 months I went with SUBS and my DOC, I took 2mgs of SUB daily along with my DOC. Of course, you can bet the SUB slashed the hell out of the effectiveness of my DOC, but at the time I could afford to take enough to break through the SUB. WHY? IDFK, but when I did go on SUBS for good, I didn't have to be in withdrawals to up my dose of SUBS. If I could step back in time, no way I'd do that again. But, the only way SUBS will work it's magic is for the user to be committed to quitting, Period! Using it to offset times without DOC, will catch up to the user, sooner or later (the price will be your tolerance). Opiate addicts have long sang the song "Pay Now or Pay Later, we just seem to forget the lyrics, "Ain't nothing for FREE"!
Hey BottleFED, I have actually been clean for the past 8 months. Was using BTH for a few years before that, and pharmies since i was 15. The BTH was to replace the pharmies that I couldn't get anymore. After the past 8 months, and a year of staying mostly clean before that, I realize that I can not and will not live without opiates of some kind. I would rather die than live without any joy what-so-ever. Also I have been tormented for close to two years by obsessive thoughts and dreams of how to get opiates/relief. Everyday, all day, all night, my brain can't let go of this problem. If I looked like a junkie, and not like a cop, I would just be buying BTH. Unfortunately, I look way to clean and white to score in the park, and I don't know anyone who uses opiates. Honestly I have zero intention of ever living opiate free. After 20+ years of opiate use I think my receptors are permanently dammaged. I'm sure I'll pay now AND later. Maybe the Suboxone will be enough, and I won't have to go back to the street.
You will def not be let down. Subo is....well u know I think, lifers trouble their selves by adding to the psychological distress with self recriminations and re-regrets. Let it flow. Don't struggle with it as much strive to float up above it and just watch as the person you know walks through. You're not going to be really able to meet imposed expectations internal or external if you expect too much of yourself. I think you have to be your own friend, even if your friend fumbles it or drives you crazy because you are the only friend you've got that really knows. Meh ~ somewhere in there. A taste will always sound good, so your defense is something in life that sounds better or at least equal to. Even over 30 years later, when my rheumatism flares or other even remotely similar feeling I do not think "dam rheumatism", I immediately panic a little "screwed around, got carried away, now sucks and etc" - post addiction fear/blame syndrome lasts a long, long time. So don't add it to your sweat list, take it off. Take as much as you can off the sweat list.
I hear you Grim. For me, Subs did in fact help a lot with the mental withdrawals along with those spells where you'd do just about anything to get your hands on your DOC. You would not be alone as far as people who got off opiates using Subs and stayed on them because it helped with not only addiction issues but other issues as well. Sure wish ETK was still here, he was one who used Subs for other purposes. I wish you luck man, I'd never knock a man who knows he has to do it his way!
To this title- I feel like I am always, over n over n over.... in one way or another (first appt. or had taken too much or whatever...)---waiting on suboxone. But as for how long to get an appt.- waited very long because but then we (hubby n I) found the doc we've used the past two times we've been on subs and he can always get you in for first apt within a week.
Well, I finally got the subs, but I can't stand them. I wish I had been able to try them before I went through all that waiting and expense. All they do is make me feel sea sick. nausea, dizziness and almost zero positive effects. It helps me sleep, but thats not enough. I started at 2mg which was way to much. The next day I took 1mg. The third day I took 1/2mg, and now I've just quit taking them. If I get the dose down low enough to tolerate the sickness, I completely eliminate any positive effects. Suboxone is NOT for me.
Hey Grime, how heavy was ur use before sub, 2mg usually seems below standard for what people started on. Did it help with cravings or anxiety?
I know people who have cut them into small pieces and was all they wanted. Tolerance a factor, but I think some people affected diff than others. I have always just stepped down hard as it is and last few years used kratom. Get it cheap and a staple around here.