Voluntary Genocide

Discussion in 'The Media' started by wooleeheron, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Prepare for a population explosion that will make immigration even worse (msn.com)

    Right wing rags are sensitive on the subject of reproduction, but everyone is using AI now to write articles, and the AI are more creative. What this article fails to mention, is everyone's population is collapsing, the more money they make. Reproduction has been declining for 70 years, to the point where China and Japan are both now counting on robots to care for their aging populations. Reproduction is literally one thing that money can't buy in quantity yet, but its cheap enough to pay people to reproduce less often.

    Everyone's population collapses, the more money they make, as if money is a curse, because none of the idiots even knows how to use a fucking dictionary, and they're censoring anything remotely like genuine humor.

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