Venus Transit...a whole new world

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by JamminOTR, May 26, 2004.

  1. JamminOTR

    JamminOTR Member

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    this i took from someones post on under the 2012 tribe. this is an incredible post, its quite lengthy but read it slowly and absorb all the energy, its a beautiful post


    Dear it,look around and lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love you all!
    The Venus Transit of June 8, 2004 is clearly the astronomical event of the
    year. But it may be much, much more than that. The Venus Transit has always
    preceded great breakthroughs in human consciousness and played a very
    significant role in the Mayan Calendar. It is also a turning point in the
    Vedic tradition. According to the Indian avatar of enlightenment, Sri Kalki
    Bhagavan, the Venus Transit of 2004 will be the actual starting point of the
    Golden Age, a process that will come to an conclusion at the next Venus
    Transit in 2012. This article presents the significance of the Venus transit
    on June 8, 2004 in its larger context and in relation to the Mayan Calendar.
    It is also an invitation to take part of a global celebration of this event
    called the Oneness Celebration.
    The purpose of this article is to describe the role of the Oneness
    Celebration at the Venus transit on June 8, 2004 in its larger context. This
    will clearly be the "astronomical event of the year". To begin with, a Venus
    transit is an astronomical event where the planet Venus passes between the
    Earth and the sun - a sort of eclipse. Venus transits lasts for 6-7 hours
    and come in pairs separated by exactly 8 earth years minus two days. As far
    as human measures go such pairs of transits occur only rarely.
    Below is a list of the years of the most recent occurrences, where the
    second transit in the pair is given within parentheses:
    1518 (1526)
    1631 (1639)
    1761 (1769)
    1874 (1882)
    2004 (2012)
    Since there is no person alive today who was born in 1882 or earlier the
    Venus transit in 2004 will be everyone's first such experience. What may we
    then expect from this occurrence? To find out it is certainly worth studying
    what happened in the world earlier in the first of these pairs of transits.
    We may then note that 1518 was when the first circumnavigation of the globe
    by Magellan/del Cano was launched (they set sail in 1519). The impact on the
    minds of people of this accomplishment was enormous. Through their journey
    these captains had shown in practice that the world was not flat, but
    spherical. In the following years a new world view emerged in which it was
    clear that humans inhabited a globe. The time of speculation was over and
    this may be said to have been the first step in the development of a Global
    The next pair of Venus transits approximately coincided with the emergence
    of the first national mail services (Denmark, 1624; Sweden, 1636) and so
    also seems to be associated with human communications. Written
    communications between people, initially in certain countries, then became
    routine even over long distances. The second in this pair of Venus transits
    is the first that is known to have been observed by humans.
    In the Venus transit of 1761 there is much information to be found. The
    study of this event had long been prepared for by astronomers, who were
    planning to use their observations as a means of measuring the distance to
    the sun. This goal could however only be accomplished if observations were
    made all around the world, and for this to happen astronomers in different
    countries needed to collaborate.
    The transit of Venus across the Sun was observed in 77 different places
    ranging from Karesuando to Pondicherry including Tobolsk, Tahiti, Beijing
    and Philadelphia. The point to realize here is that this was the first
    international collaboration project ever in science. Never before had
    scientists belonging to different national academies collaborated and it was
    the Venus transit that compelled them to do so. It may in fact be asked if
    this was the first international collaboration project of any kind, wherein
    different nations collaborated as such.
    Regardless, an important step was taken in bringing the planet together and
    it was initiated through an impulse from the Earth's sister planet Venus.
    Putting the idea of international collaboration into practice was a crucial
    step in connecting the different peoples of the world.
    The Venus transit in 1874 coincided with two very notable occurrences in the
    development of the Earth into a Global Brain: The founding of the World Post
    Union, and the completion of the Atlantic telegraph cable in the same year,
    which both marked fundamental steps in the development of global
    In 1874, moreover, Bell had his first idea of a telephone, which was
    patented two years later. In this year it became possible, for the first
    time, for people to routinely communicate around the globe as rapid means
    for this were developed. Needless to say, today's Internet would not have
    been possible without these preparatory steps in the development of global
    Considering the occurrences accompanying these earlier Venus transits, and
    the steps forward in global communications and the evolution of the global
    brain that these have entailed, it is timely to ask what will happen as the
    next one takes place in 2004. What events and changes will accompany this? A fundamental difference compared to previous transits is the advanced state of global communications that now already exists. Hence, almost everyone in
    the world will, through newspapers, letters, telephones and the Internet,
    have advance notice of this Venus transit. The new steps forward on the path of humanity will be taken within the framework of the Global Brain with its nerve threads, i.e. the telecommunications network, that already exist.
    Although this development of the Global Brain has been favoured by the
    energies of the katuns (periods of 20 x 360 days = 19.7 years) in the Mayan
    calendar in which the Venus transits have occurred, it is hard to avoid the
    impression that the very transit of Venus across the sun has somehow served to concentrate these energies and has sent an intensifying beam to planet
    Earth. During the Venus transits the cosmic energies were thus strongly
    There are however many good reasons to believe that the Venus transit on
    June 8, 2004, in contrast to at earlier times, will herald a development of
    communications between human beings that is not based on technology. The
    chief reason is that we are now at a stage, the Galactic Underworld in the
    Mayan calendar, that favours the right brain half and the intuitive
    faculties of our mind that are mediated by this. And so, we may expect that
    the upcoming Venus transit will launch an era of communications utilizing
    mental rather than electromagnetic fields.
    This new field, unlike gravitation in the National Underworld and
    electricity in the Planetary, will emerge as a synchronizing field of
    consciousness favoring spontaneous flow rather than linear planning.
    (Unfortunately it is not widely known that the different Underworlds in the
    Mayan calendar determine what fields are open to human beings to use for
    communications). Of course, this intuitive field may to some extent always
    have existed, but following the upcoming Venus transit human awareness of it will increase dramatically. This field favoring telepathic communication may
    be the most important factor in bringing about a harmonizing effect on the
    Global Brain. It is primarily mediated by the right brain half that at the
    current stage is favored by the cosmos, and may be the field of
    communication that turns the Earth into a new being, Gaia harmonica.
    It seems obvious to a lot of people that the number of synchronicities
    (someone calling just when you think of him or her, etc) has increased
    sharply in recent times. Yet, these are really only weak premonitions of the
    full effects of the telepathic field that will now emerge. If a sufficient
    number of people become connected through this field we may expect that they will be able to harmonize their activities in a much more natural way than is currently the case. To support the emergence of this is the whole point
    with the Oneness Celebration. It may then be in its place to discuss the
    relationship between telepathy and the Oneness Celebration of June 6-8,
    2004. If the incorporation of a new field of intuitive mental communication
    is the next step in the development of the Global Brain, how will this
    affect us as individuals? Before going into this it should be recognized
    that it is impossible to tell exactly what the effects of this emerging
    field of telepathy will be.
  2. JamminOTR

    JamminOTR Member

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    (Imagine yourself a year before the first circumnavigation of the earth or
    the first global telecommunications trying to grasp the consequences.)
    In fact, the Oneness Celebration may be regarded only as the great opening
    into this new field. Being able to see into, resonate with and connect to
    the thoughts and minds of others must however have a host of consequences that are difficult to predict in detail, but still important to ponder. To
    many that are unprepared some of the changes may in fact be shocking or hard to understand. Yet, if we imagine a world without secrets, where you and others are unable to hide their thoughts from each other, and where we, in a much more profound sense than currently, are all one, what would life be
    If intentions or thoughts can not be hidden in this strengthened field of
    intuition an enormous amount of plotting against other persons, hidden
    agendas, etc, would become useless. Manipulation would cease. Hostile plans
    for deceiving others, in personal relations or in business, would loose
    their effectiveness. Plans for hurting others through crime, terror or
    warfare will become transparent. In general, it will be obvious to everyone
    when someone puts his own interest above the larger whole. Of course, that
    manipulative behavior or hidden agendas become clearly visible does not mean that they immediately would cease, but clear visibility would give others
    more of a choice as to how to relate to those with hidden motives.
    Those that enter fully into this new field will themselves come to live in a
    world that is much more joyous than previously. Honesty and truthfulness
    will breed love. The downplaying of conflicts between them will allow them
    to function harmoniously amongst themselves. If we are able to co-create
    such a field we would start to become one in a very real sense. As we do,
    relationships between different individuals, or groups of people, will start
    to harmonize to a degree where it is obvious that hurting another is
    tantamount to hurting yourself. At the present time, this idea, that hurting
    someone else means hurting yourself however still has much the character of
    a "nice thought", something that express how you think things "should be"
    although they really are not. The added clarity of the new vision will alter
    The breakthrough of a new level of telepathic contact would also mean that
    we add a new field of communication to the development of the Global Brain.
    This field would bring harmony, since through this everyone would be attuned
    to everybody else and to the purpose of the cosmic plan as well.
    While there may remain limits to our ability to enter other people's minds,
    it seems likely that our sensitivity to the existence of hidden
    compartments, stored hidden agendas, etc., in others will increase
    dramatically. Maintaining such will be a characteristic of those that choose
    to see the world through duality and separateness. Of course, if other
    people can read your thoughts and be certain about your intentions, many
    would feel that they would loose something from this. This would include
    many that have judgmental thoughts about themselves and so want to hide
    parts of their inner reality. In fact, many whose intentions are not aligned
    with the higher good of all will probably avoid breaking through into
    Oneness. While it seems obvious that even in the short term the survival of
    planet Earth will be favoured by human beings getting to know how to utilize
    more extensive fields of telepathic contact, this would have implications
    that not everyone is likely to desire.
    As should be obvious from the initial discussion Venus transits may be alone
    among astronomical events to have a track record that associates them with
    major steps in the development of the Global Brain. (The completion of the
    Atlantic telegraph cable in 1874 may for instance be seen as the creation of
    a kind of corpus callosum connecting its Western and Eastern Hemispheres).
    Because of this track record the Oneness Celebration at this Venus transit
    is not just another one in a number of global meditations that for different
    reasons have been proposed in recent years. Rather, previous ones, most
    notably the Harmonic Convergence or Harmonic Concordance, may be regarded as
    preparatory for the Oneness Celebration, the Venus transit of June 8, 2004.
    This will carry the major breakthrough in the development of a new
    telepathic field on planet Earth, and the co-creation of this is a
    pre-requisite for attaining the Enlightened state of Oneness by the time the
    next in this pair of Venus transits occurs on June 6, 2012. For all those
    wanting to help birth Gaia harmonica, the new harmonious Global Brain, the
    Oneness Celebration is the time to do it.
    Now, of course, some will say that this field will just emerge regardless of
    what we do. "Did not the Venus transit in 1518 trigger the first
    circumnavigation of the Earth without this transit even being known to the
    world?" some may ask. Well, maybe we should not be so sure that our own
    participation is irrelevant. After all, what it is all about at the upcomin
    occasion is the emergence of a mental field that it is we, the human beings,
    that are the carriers of. It is entirely possible that a conscious
    participation and awareness is needed this time around. Maybe in fact those
    that participate fully in such a way as to receive the new light to the
    right brain half will be the "meek who will inherit the Earth".
    What seems likely is that those that truly want to live in accordance with
    the harmonizing new field of Gaia harmonica should take the opportunity of
    absorbing the energy of the Venus transit fully and create such a field
    amongst themselves. This absorption includes the communication in our own
    individual brains between the logical left brain and the intuitive right
    brain, where it is now the latter that will be strengthened. And so, while
    it is possible that the new field will be there regardless of what we do, it
    is possible that to get an entrance ticket we need to act as co-creators.
    Integrating this intuitive field and unifying the mentalities of the brain
    halves, we may also surmise, are pre-requisites for attaining the
    Enlightened state in the years ahead. Although there are a few that may
    already have attained this state as individuals, in the case of the Venus
    transit we are talking about a major collective push towards that state;
    Mass Enlightenment.
    Really, what the Oneness Celebration means is a choice, a choice as to
    whether to continue living as a separate individual or to harmonize your
    life with the greater whole, the Oneness of Gaia harmonica, which fully
    experienced is Enlightenment. The upcoming Venus transit will thus present
    us, individually and collectively, with a very important choice to
    participate or not to participate. To enter the new field or remain in
    duality. Telepathy is a meaningless concept if it applies only to a single
    individual. Only if a significant number of people break through to this new
    field of communication will any individual, in the full meaning of the word,
    be able to attain the state of Enlightenment. Thus, there is a need for a
    collective breakthrough into the new telepathic field of communication.
    There has been some wondering among people why the changes brought about by
    the Galactic Underworld (which began Jan 5, 1999) have, thus far, seemed so
    relatively minor. Maybe we have now found the reason - that this is that
    this Underworld has not yet been activated by a beam of a Venus transit.
    Both the National and Planetary Underworlds had activating Venus transits in
    their very first katuns, and one name used for the Mayan Long Count
    (National Underworld) was in fact the Birth of Venus. In the Galactic
    Underworld, we have had to wait until the Third Night for this to happen.
    The Venus transit of June 8, 2004 may be what really activates the new level
    of consciousness on.
    This overall purpose of the Oneness Celebration of birthing a new field of
    telepathic communication has consequences for the type of meditation that we
    should conduct during this occasion. If we are open to letting Gaia develop
    a new field of telepathic contact, then the focus of the meditation should
    be to open ourselves up to this. Given that it is the right brain half, in
    resonance with the Eastern Hemisphere, that primarily will mediate this new
    field then this fact must be taken into account in shaping your meditation.
    If we, in a meditative alpha state with eyes closed, visualize Light, Cosmic
    Intelligence, entering through our right brain, and then let this form an
    infinite loop including the left brain for a sustained period during the
    Venus transit, then this would mean that we could enter the new field of
    telepathic contact. If this happens we will eventually come to live in a
    completely open and honest world, free of conflicts. This love may be ours
    if we are open to the harmonizing effects of the new field!
    Certainly, if a world of extended intuitive awareness seems like a welcome
    possibility to you, we urge you to network this idea and start making
    presentations on a regular basis to friends and anyone you may be in contact
    with. There is no money to gain and there is no money to loose, but a new
    world for us all to win. If there is anything we can be helpful with or have
    plans for the occasion that you would like to share please contact us at
  3. JamminOTR

    JamminOTR Member

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    ::bump:: This is a lengthy article, but you should really read it and give it a chance. The time is near...
    Dude111 likes this.
  4. hathor2

    hathor2 Member

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    Wow this is a long read. I read about the passing of Venus in a newspaper on the net 2 days ago and I got exited about that. Unfortunally here in Australia, Venus is only to see for about an hour before sunset.I am not sure if we can see something thru a blackend glass.:) It does not matter. I will meditate with many others on this day and hope something good will happen.Mabye a small shuff towarts the big push in 2012 or so many people who work on similar invention and cures have a big brainstorm connection and find the solutions or mabye we are able to connect to the spiritworld and we can see or listen and be guided for the good of all humankind.

    Love and light
  5. Tamee

    Tamee naked

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    sounds really interesting. What's this "Oneness Celebration"?
  6. WayfaringStranger

    WayfaringStranger Corporate Slave #34

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    sounds about the right time to me. thank god ill be safely in my backpack and headin to bonnaroo, this should be a good summer kids, depending on your perspective.
  7. JamminOTR

    JamminOTR Member

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    Bumping this back up a page, don't want to let it die cus I really think that this is going to be signifigant and I pray that all you kind pholks out there take it in and read this shit, it's interesting! Peace.

    Love and Light
    Kin 110
  8. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    Nice article but Sri Kalki avatar is a New Age fake.
  9. JamminOTR

    JamminOTR Member

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    Well that's interesting that the guys a fake, but reagardless, you cannot deny that Venus will be eclipsing the sun this Sunday and that given historical examples, something is gonna happen. This guy speculates telepathy, but that's his idea and his unerstanding of this cosmic event. I tend to dissagree, but I'm open to the idea. The point of the article is simply to enlighten people to the fact that something great is going to happen in the not to distant future and to urge people to keep open minds and the light burning. That's all. Thanks though for your input:)

    In Lak'ech
    Kin 110
  10. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    I don't have any problem with the New Age perception of a glowing next ten years leading to an age of heaven on earth. I hope that's all true. I just object to people who take the title of avatar upon themselves when the title is patently false. kalki is the 32 Rudra Chakrin from Shambala due year 2424. Maitreya is due back in 50,000 years. We're only five thousand years into Kali yuga which is something like 250,000 years long. People need to get their facts straight and not be gullible and led by the shepherds of cash cows.

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