Urges To Use Toilet

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by Steve1964, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Steve1964

    Steve1964 Members

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    I'm overweight but not badly, in a sexless relationship which I'll soon be ending as have found a new lady I'm crazy about. Since being with this new lady I am having sex twice a week but I've noticed since this sexual activity I have to get up and pee in the night, twice sometimes and it's a long urgent pee and I can't stop once I start. In the morning when I get up I have to go urgently and if there's someone in the bathroom I can't hold it and have to go in the garden. The last few weeks when I visit my girl, after coffee, sex etc I go to the toilet before I leave, and just a ten minute journey to work for example I have to drive into tesco to use the toilet as even just a few minutes of that last wee I suddenly have a stabbing urge to go again, I rush to the gents and it floods out. I don't understand where it comes from as I don't drink a lot of fluid. It happened again on the way home from work but I was stuck at lights, so desperate I had to hold myself. I don't have prostate problems, had it checked, I do get aches there though.
  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Getting older, one can experience these issues, usually related to an enlarged prostate.

    Since you've been tested for that (no test is really reliable, unfortunately), you should either get a different test and it's time to get tested for VD.
  3. Steve1964

    Steve1964 Members

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    Yes had a test done also for sexual diseases, all clear, the urge to pee seems to be more apparent after sex, first thing in the morning, the dashes to the toilet in the night aren't quite as urgent and happily I don't have the stop start problem but I can't stop mid stream like the doctor advised me to. It's a bit embarrassing at night as there are 3 other adults in the house and my bathroom visits sometimes wake them up, my flow is quite noisy
    Joe90 likes this.
  4. Emanresu

    Emanresu Member

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    Of course nothing can take the place of sound medical advice from a licensed practitioner, and nothing that I say should be taken as any sort of recommendation as to any actions that you may take or abstain from taking. That being said here are a few things to think about. First spicey food and caffiene can lead to frequent urges to urinate. Try abstaining from caffinated beverages and spicey food for a while. Also (as silly as this seems) it is possible for your bladder to 'learn' to indicate that it needs to be drained when it actually is not near capacity. When you urinate after getting one of these sudden urges do you urinate a lot or a little? The good news about this last case is that it is also possible to train your bladder to stop indicating that it needs to be drained until it actually is approaching capacity. At the end of the day though, definitely go back to the doctor, or get a second opinion from a different doctor. I just hope they don't have to stick a camera up there like they did to me.
  5. Steve1964

    Steve1964 Members

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    Oh god no, I don't want anything inserted, I had a stay in hospital once and I refused the catheter (broken leg and pelvis injury) even though they wanted me to have it, so I had to use a bottle quite often and the nurse had to do it for me as I had to stay fairly still (nurse handling my penis felt good).

    when I get these urges I urinate a lot for quite a while, like a full bladder load, and also after masturbting, in fact after masturbating is when I get the pain while urinating but I can't stop urinating in mid flow to avoid the pain, had to get a male urine bottle for when I can't get to the bathroom if someone's in it as I can't hold it for more than about ten minutes, it's no fun in fact it's embarrassing.
  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    probably guilt over cheating on your wife/girlfriend.
  7. Steve1964

    Steve1964 Members

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    No, no guilt, I'm in a loveless relationship, both sides and she has been at it with another so it's just a case of going our separate ways now, the urges to use the toilet are a different issue!

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