Universal Religion Of the Coming New Age

Discussion in 'New Age' started by Wahkon, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. Wahkon

    Wahkon Member

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    By Thomas Ivan Dahlheimer

    On April 20, 2021, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, managed to get a new article of his published in a number of Traditionalist Roman Catholic newspapers and websites. The article is titled: Upcoming Vatican Conference “disturbing departure from Catholic orthodoxy”

    Vigano wrote in his article:

    "Conversely, the sycophantic praise of the worldly mentality and the prevailing ideology will be the only voice [at the Vatican Conference], along with the amorphous ecumenical repertoire inspired by the New Age."

    "I note that in 2003 the same Pontifical Council for Culture [the Council that will host the Vatican Conference] condemned yoga meditation and, more generally, New Age thought as being incompatible with the Catholic faith. According to the Vatican document, New Age thought 'shares with a number of internationally influential groups the goal of superseding or transcending particular religions in order to create space for a universal religion which could unite humanity. Closely related to this is a very concerted effort on the part of many institutions to invent a Global Ethic, an ethical framework which would reflect the global nature of contemporary culture, economics and politics. Further, the politicization of ecological questions certainly colors the whole question of the Gaia hypothesis or worship of mother earth'.

    Vigano wrote in response:

    "It goes without saying that the pagan ceremonies with which Saint Peter’s Basilica was profaned in honor of the pachamama idol [a Mother Earth statue] fit perfectly into that 'politicization of ecological questions' denounced by the 2003 Vatican document, and which today is instead promoted sine glossa by the so-called Bergoglian [Pope Francis'] magisterium, beginning with Laudato Sì and Fratelli Tutti."

    "At La Salette, Our Lady warned us: “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.” It will not be the Holy Church, indefectible by the promises of Christ, that will lose the Faith: it will be the sect that occupies the See of Most Blessed Peter and which today we see propagating the anti-gospel of the New World Order."

    I (Thomas Dahlheimer) have read and studied the Vatican's document on the New Age and found that it presents misinformation concerning what the New Age is about. The New Age does not worship mother earth, nor does it worship the cosmos or creation. However, the document is correct when it states that New Age thought "shares with a number of internationally influential groups the goal of superseding or transcending particular religions in order to create space for a universal religion which could unite humanity. Closely related to this is a very concerted effort on the part of many institutions to invent a Global Ethic, an ethical framework which would reflect the global nature of contemporary culture, economics and politics."

    Helena Blavatsky, the Mother of the New Age Movement, wrote in THE SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. 1, Page 274: The Universe is called, with everything in it, Maya, because all is temporary therein, from the ephemeral life of a fire-fly to that of the Sun. Compared to the eternal immutability of the One.

    Paramahansa Yogananda has been called the father of yoga and meditation in the West. He wrote: Maya is Nature herself—the phenomenal worlds [the universe], ever in transitional flux as antithesis to Divine Immutability. Beyond the gross vibratory boundaries of matter [or beyond the finite creation], the Immutable Infinite reigns in all His majesty and vastness.

    Yogananda's Guru wrote: “Jesus meant, never that he was the sole Son of God, but that no man can obtain the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father [or Spirit] beyond creation, until he has first manifested the ‘Son’ or activating Christ Consciousness within creation.” - Swami Sri Yukteswar

    Yogananda wrote: Spirit existed before God. God is the Creator of the universe, but Spirit is the Creator of God." The Hindu name for "God" is Brahma. "This Sanskrit word [Brahma] derives from the verbal root b?h 'to expand, grow, fructify', because 'Brahma expands' and becomes the Universe woven out of his own substance." - Theosophy Wiki

    There are two stories associated with why Brahma is not worshiped by Hindus. The stories are called "the curse of Shiva" and "the curse of Saraswati."

    One curse states that Shiva (Spirit) cursed Brahma (the created God) when he found him lying to prove his greatness. Lord Shiva became furious at this lie. He then cursed Brahma that "he would never be worshipped."

    The other curse states that Brahma created a goddess, Saraswati – the goddess of knowledge. He then sinned by lusting after her. Saraswati then told Brahma: “You have filled the world with longing/lust that is the seed of unhappiness. You have fettered the soul in the flesh. You are not worthy of reverence [meaning, not worthy of worship]."

    A statement in the Vatican's document on the New Age reads:

    "New Age has a marked preference for Eastern or pre-Christian religions, which are reckoned to be uncontaminated by Judaeo-Christian distorsions. Hence great respect is given to ancient agricultural rites and to fertility cults. "Gaia", Mother Earth, is offered as an alternative to God the Father, whose image is seen to be linked to a patriarchal conception of male domination of women. There is talk of God, but it is not a personal God; the God of which New Age speaks is neither personal nor transcendent. Nor is it the Creator and sustainer of the universe, but an "impersonal energy" immanent in the world, with which it forms a "cosmic unity": "All is one". This unity is monistic, pantheistic or, more precisely, panentheistic. God is the "life-principle", the "spirit or soul of the world" [the world soul], the sum total of consciousness existing in the world."

    One of the founding figures of the modern New Age Movement, David Spangler, wrote:

    The world soul is usually conceived as a "formative force," an active, intelligent, purposeful spiritual presence at work in the material world to guide and guard the course of planetary evolution. It is generally not accorded the status of being the ultimate source, or Creator [the Uncreated Infinite Spirit], but might be looked upon as a great angelic or archangelic being [or Brahma, who sinned and became less-than-divine] presiding over the well being of the world, or as the gestalt, the wholeness of all the lives and patterns that manifest upon, and as, the earth."

    Brahma, the flawed creator, created the flawed material universe by becoming the (unworthy of worship) earth and entire cosmos.

    The New Age does not worship the earth, nor does it worship the universe.

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