
Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by DWP13, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. DWP13

    DWP13 Members

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    Hi, I come here because I feel a little bad. I'm with my girlfriend since 3 years we both are 22 right now, but since a year now she changed. I feel her not specially distant well sometimes she clearly is but I feel her like unfaithful... I already talked to her but she get so angry and push me away. Since last year we can't share things like before, we can't talk, she always get pissed at me for all and nothing, I told her that if she want to stop, then we'll stop but she doesn't want to she says she loves me.Well she break up almost every week for nothing literally and then come back the day after... She have cheat on me once but it was a very bad period in our relationship, but since I can't trust her anymore and she doesn't want to show me that I can trust her again but she wants me.

    Now I feel used like, I'm pissed off I don't want to make her happy anymore. I just wanna leave and feel free, feel good without all this pression but idk maybe I just get paranoid because she's always texting and hiding things for real... What y'all thinking about it ? I know love probably blind me that's why I'm asking advices her...
  2. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Members

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    It's hard to be totally objective about your relationship with only one point of view. Infidelity is usually a symptom of deeper problems within the relationship. It also looks like, on the surface, that she may be depressed. You need to work on communication before anything else and it has to go both ways. If you're breaking up every week then maybe you shouldn't back the next day. A trial seperation may be what you need. Some time away from each other to think about what you want out of the relationship and what you are willing to put into it. In any troubled relationship there is blame enough to go around. Seldom is one person at fault. But without communication, neither of you knows what the other is thinking. you say you can't trust her but have you forgiven her? That's a start for your own healing. Trust can be rebuilt over time but you guys need to seriously talk about things.
    Love isn't blind, it merely chooses what it wants to see.
  3. DWP13

    DWP13 Members

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    Hey thanks for your answers. Well she cheated and start being like that since she felt in love with a fake girl on Twitter. I knew her then but we were just friends at this time, I've been here for her and we fallen in love. But then she just developed a big ego you know start acting "Idgaf about everything, me, myself and I" like a selfish person with no heart. It's the way she chose to get up but I don't have to pay for this. And that's when she cheated on me. It's deeper than that, she was a bitch literally (sorry for the term) she just became manipulative,liar and stuff...

    I broke up with her last year because of that, and yet I just get away from her without telling her what was going on because everytime I tried, everytime I wanted to talk with her, to understand why she was treats me like crap she never answers. She just pushed me away and gets angry like I said something wrong (I just wanted to comunicate smh), she close her heart to me and text people. She's kinda a borderline person. She came back after that, crying saying that she loves me and she's sorry and proves it, I really thought that she was honest and mean it everything was perfect. But then she started to be angry often like before then everyday, get mad for notging, always texting like she prefers that I text her than talk normally when I'm with her. Dafuck is that ? She's stuck in some virtual bubble with some virtual friends from Twitter etc... She's a flirty personn I already told her to calm down but ughh she does'nt wanted to. She seems to calm down now but not with everyone. It's like when she stops to flirt with qomeone there's gonna be another one or other problem after...

    I start thinking that's just the way she is and qhe needs to grow up... I really tried to comunicate, I tried everything trust me I wouldn't be writing here however.
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  4. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Members

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    She sounds like my last gf. I just finally walked away. I don't have the time or patience for that type of behavior when there is someone out there who will make me number 1. I suggest you do the same. She does appear to have some mental health issue. I think she prefers texting because she doesn't have to be "real" that way. Just my opinion.
  5. DWP13

    DWP13 Members

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    Yes maybe you're right. I think she have some mental or personality issues, she criticize stuff people does that she does herself too. She doesn't like this or that but by the way or another like it and if I tell her "I thought you hate that kind of things" she says "It's not the same"... She pretend to be someone that she isn't too...
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  6. DWP13

    DWP13 Members

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    Sorry for the double post but I forgot to say, she ignore me all day and been mean when she wasn't ignoring me but tonight's been better. She actually talked to me, laught with me and let me cuddle her but when I tried to kiss her on the lips she said "On the cheeks, that's where it belongs" like I'm just a friend so I guess I have my answer. Maybe she just want us to discover us again and start on something new but I don't want to, I'm tired of these situations I know her, she gonna put me in competition with others etc... When I asked her "What do you mean my kisses belongs on your cheeks?" she just flipped like "Take off your arms around me it's hurting my neck, I'm gonna play FIFA" so no answer as always...
  7. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Members

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    I hate to say it, but it's time for you to let go and move on. An old saying is "A man doesn't how to say goodbye, a woman doesn't when." I think it's true for the most part. You aren't in a competition and if she pushing you away, as it looks like, You need to move on and find someone else.
  8. DWP13

    DWP13 Members

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    Yeah well I think you're right. I don't know if she thinks we're okay now or what because it's back to normal now but I discovered something... Like I said when a problem is gone theree's always a lie or something else with her. She had a crush when we were together (during her "bad period") she left me for her and made my life a hell. When we were back together she still talked to her with "passion" they were arguing all the times and stuff. Well seems since they're good friends but I can't deal with her like I think it's disrespectful to talk to her while she with me... This girl been a subject of alot argues between us, then I decide to don't give a fuck anymore.

    Lately she told me one of her friend story,"her bf is flirty with a girl like I was with Clara and she can't deal with it but she act like everything's okay" I said "Yeah she's doing like I do with you" and she answered "Yeah well I've stop it cuz I understood that it's not okay". So she told me that less than a week ago. And I've seen messages in herphone with that Clara that I hate, she clearly never stoped. Why she lies to me, I didn't asked nothing about that, plus she said two or three days ago "I'm thinking when I'll dump the other one (me). I'm thinking oof it since a moment now" Clara said "You sure 'bout it, did you told her ?" she said "No" of course she never told me she just act weird but never explain clearly what's going on. Then they start talking like "She'll never piss me off with you again" (which I don't do since a moment now like the less I know the better I am) and she answered "Clearly we'll can live our love in public" Idk if she was kidding or not... I'm gonna confront her softly like she can't escape from this and talk to me clearly then I guess fuck off... What a waste of time, money and energy I've made for het

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