the cops are circling again. i hear sirens going down the street, then down another street. there's a helicopter hovering over my house, making it kind of hard to sleep. my thoughts extend to the limit of this game-reality... how we all consciously or otherwise, assumed the form of human beings, to enclose our formless souls, merely for something to do with a whole lot of eternity. i can recognize beauty out there, and it reflects beauty in here. i can recognize a flaw without, and it shows a flaw within. i suppose i could go on. i'm thinking and i can't stop. to say that this is just one thought, is not random enough. it's just what i do, to prevent the thoughts from piling up, and creating a backlog in the mind. if i've gotten across anything at all... maybe bridged a gap somewhere, maybe sent these word-tone-vibrations in symbolic form to resonate in a different place, maybe even stricken a glimpse of a meaning in someone's world, then this will all be worth it.
This is the oldest non-closed thread in random thoughts so I thought it should be bumped to the top of the list. *bump*
I'm sure this "hello" person would be happy that her long-ago thought stream was still being read by others. Not the best poem ever, but since I'm not sure that was the intent anyways, it still remains "interesting," as zodiacflower said.
I think that since we all read it, the word-tone vibrations resonated in our heads, right? So hello was therefore successful in her endeavors.