Uk Sugar Tax, Health Benefit, Or Just Another Revenue For Conservatives?

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by morrow, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Did they get it right?
    why not, if its for health, just ban sugar, and use the likes of Stevia?
    Will it stop Child obesity and rotten teeth? or is it just another way for the Conservatives to get another tax from the low paid?
    here are some for's and against. And what it really means for our children!
    A lot of companies have stopped producing their sugar free products (Example, Thorntons) in favour of 30% less sugar..why was that? surely the sugar free was a better way? its now 70% sugar, and no sugar free..wonder if the companies benefit in some way?

    It seems more likely the Government are looking for a way to fill a loophole of dept!

    whats your thoughts on the sugar Tax?
  2. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I doubt it will have many health benefits. People will pay a few pence more for their sugary drinks and grumble about the price, just as smokers have done for decades.

    I can't see it's going to go far towards paying off the 1.56 trillion owed by the UK government (81.58% of total GDP)

    Don't make the common mistake of confusing national debt with deficit

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