And so like the Clocks 'Spring' forward, with it comes the opening up of social interaction. And what is the response of the lifting of restictions? Consideration? Restraint? Appreciation? Personal Responsiblity? Platt Fields Park in Fallowfield the morning after ‘hundreds’ gathered
. . Sad, But - Not - Unsurprising - This just goes to show how Ignorant people are - Either: They 'Don't ' know what they've done = Showing a lack of Education (maybe that don't know about the Global Pandemic?). and don’t know the meaning of words such as consideration, respect and/or appreciation - OR - They 'Do' know what the consequences of leaving litter and human excrement in a public place ‘where children play' are - and with disregard to general hygiene, feel that compliance to guidance to mass gathering doesn't apply to them = therefore 'ignorance' in its other form
One has to wonder: -, Are people that uneducated? – Do they not realise that this kind of behaviour will inevitably give reason to defer the lifting of major gatherings (be it concerts, sports events and/or ‘organised’ protests) – or- that people will die? Leeds: – more likely it is that they don’t care
And there is another concern for the future that could well have financial; although logical, consequence. That being, in order to fund clear-up exercises, provision of additional toilets and other facilities – manned by security type patrols (what used to be ‘Park keepers). The reason that appropriate well-keeping of parks was not viable to continue was down to funding, so another way of provision of service, coupled with the desire to promote health/we-being is to CHARGE for such – either through ‘Leasing out’ Public spaces to Private companies, and/or make it a mandatory through Council Tax. – So, well done to those who have given those who govern an opportunity to consider such . .
At a time when Civil liberties are being called into question, behaviour like this only goes to show that there is a need for the Policing of events by a separate body - for the public cannot be relied upon to police themselves. . . . . . . .
UK Government Latest Stats: - PHE: (Public Health England) All-Cause Mortality Surveillance 1 April 2021 – Week 13 report https://assets.publishing.service.g.../file/975497/Weekly_report_mortality__W13.pdf
Hmmmm - bacon sarnies, bacon pudding, black pudding, spare ribs, pork joints with crackling - all very delicious !!!