Hi guys, I'm new to this forum - I'm 22 and from Australia. I've never had problems making out with girls at clubs - I used to be too scared to approach them, but it was okay because they generally used to approach me. I am now a lot better at the approach - I would say over the last 2 years on average, I hook up with at least 1 girl per night (sometimes 2 or 3 girls in a night) but generally don't take them home. Some Questions: 1) I've had 2 occasions recently where I've picked a girl up at the club, made out with them all night, they explicitly stated that they desperately wanted to come home with me. The only objection (from both of them) was they didn't want their friends to think they were a s***. I didn't have any responses for this.. Any tips? 2) I went on 2 dates with a girl recently, and on the 2nd date she explicitly stated (about 5 times) "I really want to **** you" however she had the same objection - she doesn't usually sleep around and wanted to wait. How do you respond to this objection? 3) Until last week, I was a virgin. I watch plenty of porn, I make out with plenty of girls but have never had oral or sex. Last week the girl I was with went to give me oral, and I lasted less than 30 seconds. She tried again about 20 minutes later and the same thing happened. Is this normal for the first time? Will it get better, or should I look into solutions for premature ejaculation? Does it have anything to do with watching porn regularly etc? Any help would be great! Alex
I Suggest You Take The Time To Re-Read The Contradictions In Your Post, In My Opinion Sir, You Are Indeed A Professional Wanker.... Cheers Glen.
Oh, hell. Asterisking. Is that free love, real kinky, or masturbation? I don't know where to move it. Lol.
1) Don't watch porn, because it affects you on a deep psychological level. 2) Instead of looking at a woman as a cum dumpster to make a deposit into, look at a woman as an individual who you are seeking to become a lifelong mate with. 3) Exercise and eat healthy--if you don't have physical stamina, then you will not have sexual stamina either. 4) On a subconscious level, a person is goal oriented towards orgasm. Instead of trying to achieve that release, focus on pleasuring your partner. You can truly feel rewarded by just watching someone else receive pleasure from you. 5) Communicate with your partner--instead of being a lying douche that thinks they are Don Juan "the tantric sex master" in order to impress someone--ask your partner what they like, read their body language, and be receptive to feedback afterwards. Get technical little fellow!
Thanks for the few tips guys. Keep them coming (pun intended). PS: has anyone tried 'Promescent' - a spray which basically numbs your penis. I've read good reviews but seems useless if you can't feel anything lol..
I'm thinking if you put that on your penis...the female's mouth will get numb also? or even her vagina...which is not what you want I agree with the above...stop watching porn. Real live sex is not like what you see in those movies.