I've thought for years that he's a Russian agent. If all he was was merely incompetent, he'd fuck up a lot, half-ass a lot of things, and get some things right simply by accident and happy circumstance. Trump consistently, at every opportunity, chooses the absolute worst available option which will do the utmost damage to the United States. That level of 100% consistency simply can't be fully explained by his bovine stupidity; it's malevolent and it's intentional.
Of course. Why else would he try to ruin America at every single step? He's been quite adept to gathering many blind sheep from the middle and the poor - same as Hitler did in the 30's.
And why would you be shocked? The Republicans and 53% of all Americans already elected a rapist and convicted criminal to be their president.
Noem: There must be hundreds of thousands of Southern Canadians trying to sneak into the USA - seeking minimum wage jobs and warmth in SOUTH DAKOTA !!
Because he's a narcisstic, hateful moron and something tells me he's not long for this world because he's looking more out of it and decrepit everytime I unfortunately have to see his ugly mug. And he exists to hurt others.
A lot of people are getting that attitude. We fought against Trump being re-elected and lost. It seems common sense in America is disappearing. Now we're stuck with a twice-impeached convicted felon con man as president. There will be protests as his administration proceeds with his indefensible policies, and I expect a lot of backlash on inauguration day, but right now the movement has lost its momentum. We're waiting to "see how utterly fucked we can get" so we can collectively tell the MAGA minions, "I told you so!"
This is what I've been saying. We are a nation of super selfish egos. Look at what Trump and his like represent, a big f+ck you to America. Trump is the ultimate rule breaker, the ultimate, "I'll do anything I want!" "You're not going to tell me I need a vaccination or have to wear a mask, or pay over a dollar a gallon for gas, or admit minorities to my neighborhood. Don't tell me I can't proselytize my religion in public schools or buy any kind of gun I want and carry it anywhere. I don't have to accept that some people are uncomfortable with their gender, f+ck them. Don't tell me I can't drill baby drill, or grab women by the pussy, even rape them if I want to. Women are subservient to men, and some of them know that, as they voted for Trump. All those others are bitches. Taxes? I don't have to pay taxes, the government's to big anyway and f*ck those regulations to boot. We don't need no regulations, who does the government think it is anyway? Telling me what I can and can't do. And don't ever tell me I'm wrong, or try to educate me, I'm smart enough now, I almost read the first chapter of a book once. Those ivory tower intellectuals are just free loaders trying to get me to think differently, I'm smarter than they are. As a nation we worship Trump because we want to be like him. We want to do anything, say anything, and always get our way. America has thrown a giant temper tantrum, "characterized by stubbornness, crying, screaming, violence, defiance, angry ranting, a resistance to attempts at pacification, and, in some cases, hitting and other physically violent behavior."
Imagine Dennis the Menace morphing from a spoiled 4 year old to being 78 with a not-so-new strategic football game controller.