Treating Insomnia/sleep market

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by newbie-one, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    I do like edibles for sleeping. Give it a try! I had to experiment a bot with dosages, I make brownies or cookies strong enough so that one will make me sleep well.

    There's probably a thread or two on how to create your own edibles at home, look around this site and you'll find a whole section on 'munchies.'
  2. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    I'll do that. Even though when I offered to cook, my wife would always say, "We'll both just relax and order pizza!" (I started to get suspicious.)

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2024
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  3. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    This, I can get behind!

    ~Zen~ likes this.
  4. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Hey, you have to take care of YOU. AND life is too short for cheap bourbon and mediocre coffee...
    ~Zen~ and Kama'aina like this.
  5. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    I couldn't agree more.

    Quality bourbon and quality coffee are an altogether different story!
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  6. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I'm sorry you lost your wife @Kama'aina

    Do you want to say what you've tried?

    Imho, alcohol and weed may help with sleep in the short to medium term, but they will make things worse in the long term.

    Coffee will make insomnia worse in the short, medium, and long term.
  7. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    Thank you.

    Wish I could, but I no longer know.

    Any contempory-style medications that I tried and watched fail, were then disposed of, along with their data sheets.

    My trials with weed, while generally funner than fuck, never helped sleep.

    Melatonin? Nada.

    One of those full spectrum lamps? (Because I live in a place with some of the dreariest winters on the planet.). Nope.

    And sundry tried-and-then-forgotten remedies, from big pharma to Grannie's Own™. The key takeaway here being forgotten.

    At present, I have Zolpidem, but am not impressed.

    Sex helps. And since I had some (yay!!) this evening, that should cover tonight.

    I use blue-blocker glasses for any screen time (except movies) in the evening, but not at any other time. Perhaps I need to use them any time I'm staring at a screen, but they make the world look really weird. And I've had enough with making my way through weird worlds IRL.

    Re coffee? That's the only thing that powers me through the day. I will confess: I "just" have three cups a day but my mugs are 16 to 20 ounce in size. (No idea what they are in them thar consarned milly liters. This is 'Murica, dammit!). Prolly too much. Still, only three cups. When I see my fave barista I ask her for "my usual Big Gulp, please" because I enjoy annoying the coffee snobs. The thing here though, is "they'll get my coffee mug when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!"

    There ya have it.

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
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  8. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    P.S., I exercise daily--walking, a bit o' free weights and resistance stuff, sex when I can hunt it down. I have no doubt it helps my body, but it doesn't help sleep.

    (Yeah, yeah, I know about the coffee thing. I may have to drag my ass through kicking that habit

    At the same time, I don't care overmuch about prolonging my time on this stage. Not suicidal, but not looking to extend my time, either. (My parents both made it into their 90s, so I 'spect I'm fucked there too!)
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
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  9. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    P.P.S., I don't drink much a'tall.

    Sleep, while vital, also doesn't appeal much, as it seems my dreams are delivered right to my door by pissed-off demons.
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  10. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    You might want to check out the first post in this thread, especially the link about alternative (in this case traditional Chinese) medicine. It's not surprising to me that the over-the-counter conventional and alternative remedies did you no good, though I'm sorry they didn't help. Medicine often has to be tailored specifically to the individual, and that usually means prescription by a professional.

    Dream-disturbed sleep is also something correctable.
  11. Kama'aina

    Kama'aina Members

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    I'll try those things.

    newbie-one likes this.

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