translation help

Discussion in 'Portuguese' started by etteM, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. etteM

    etteM Guest

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    could someone help me translate this fado text? :D

    os loucos

    vivem de amor deixa-os viver assim
    que nos importa o amor dos outros
    tudo o que tem principio ha-de ter fim
    deixa- os amar em paz porque sao loucos

    sao loucos comos nos ainda somos
    e amam como nos tambem amavamos
    sao jovens como nos tambem ja fomos
    namoram como nos ja namoramos

    trazem na boca em cada bejio um grito
    grito de dor que o seu amor ilude
    o amor e uma cabana e tao bonita
    quando se tem nas maos a juventude
    mementos de prazer na vida hha poucos
    breves como cantar da cotovia
    dexa- os amar em paz porque sao loucos
    sao loucos como nos fomos um dia
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor


    live in love let them live like this
    What matters to us the love of others
    everything is beginning to have ha-end
    let alone love them because they are mad

    hows are we're still crazy
    and as we also loved to love
    we are young as we were once
    dating as we once flirted

    bring in the mouth in a scream every Beji
    cry of pain that his love eludes
    Love and a cottage and so beautiful
    when you have youth in their hands
    mementos of pleasure in life few hha
    Brief as the skylark sing
    dexamethasone alone love them because they are mad
    are crazy as we were one day..

    dexamethasone ?? dont know what happened there..
  3. etteM

    etteM Guest

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