What's the point in sending $500 dollars a month to a stranger, who doesn't keep promises or timelines that he makes? What's the point in paying for a house that isn't your home? Why be tied down to a place for a full year, or however many months? Anyway, you see what I am saying. Renting is not for me anymore. So I want to buy a trailer. I want to make it self sustaining off of solar power and rain water collection. Maybe some form of heating the water too? Insulated with pop bottles or aluminum cans, plastic bags, and covered in ply wood. Shower head that goes outdoors for summer. Biodiesel truck only to be used on long trips and when moving. Bicycle, and bus everywhere else. Has anyone lived this kind of lifestyle? Can anyone give me some advice? Anyone know anything about laws in Canada/US that may be tricky for someone living this lifestyle? Any and all help would be appreciated. Thank you!