My list: 1. Abraham Lincoln (Republican; 1861-1865) 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat; 1933-1945) 3. John F. Kennedy (Democrat; 1961-1963) 4. George Washington (Independent; 1789-1797) 5. Theodore Roosevelt (Republican; 1901-1909) 6. Bill Clinton (Democrat; 1993-2001) 7. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican; 1953-1961) 8. Gerald Ford (Republican; 1974-1977) 9. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican; 1801-1809) 10. James K. Polk (Democrat; 1845-1849)
I couldn't come up with ten, but those below in alphabetical order comprise my view of the greatest. Grover Cleveland Calvin Coolidge Dwight Eisenhower Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln James Monroe Ronald Reagan George Washington My list, also in alphabetical order, of those who have inflicted the most lasting and expansive damage on our Constitutional form of government would be: Lyndon Johnson Barack Obama Franklin Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson
Franklin D Roosevelt did lasting damage to our constitutional government?? One of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. But then, that's the republican line you-Individual-are somehow parroting after ALL THESE YEARS. You know what he did--put millions to work fixing infrastructure, building roads and bridges, cleaning up and restoring parks and in fact, righting this country from the USUAL fuckers that caused the great depression. He EVENTUALLY realized that what one of your favorite presidents--Hoover--WAS WRONG. I'm not even going to answer anything to which you may respond. It's useless. Oh, and by the way--have you seen the list put up today of the Fortune 500 companies that not only pay no taxes, but even get taxpayer money BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT? I suppose not. BACK IN '99, I MADE THE STATEMENT TO FRIENDS THAT I HOPE THE REPUBLICANS WIN THE WHITE HOUSE SO CITIZENS COULD ACTUALLY SEE WHAT THEY WOULD DO. THEY WON -----AND WE( only some, evidently) HAVE SEEN. I'll put no links up for ANYONE that thinks the 1% is in any way good for a strong middle class. It would do zero good. Again--I don't know why I bother with Ayn Rand lovers, who referred to the poor as parasites and other choice, demeaning epithets. I'd say Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, Weiner are terrific examples of republican "thought." The disdain for working folks drips from their fangs with every statement they make.
the two roosevelts - FDR because he provided employment opportunity by improving America's infrastructure. I wish more modern presidents would follow suit. Teddy because of his conservation efforts and just the fact that he's a major bad ass. JFK. He gave hope to a lot of Americans and it seems like he tried to fight the establishment from the inside which is cool. Thomas Jefferson for his political philosophy. that's all I've got. Bill Clinton is my favorite prez in the last 50 years or so edit: I like Carter a lot too. I like his recent thoughts on Israel and the fact that he even had the balls to share his thoughts in such a pro-Israeli nation. Most presidents seem to follow a very dubious moral code but I actually do think Carter is a good person.
I know right. Conservatives say that shit because he was elected to four terms. You know WHY he was elected to four tems? He was a GREAT president! Sure, he did a few morally questionable things (Japanese internment), but the good he did for this country far outweighs the bad. And yet Mr. Republican Masturbatory Aid Ronald Reagan is their hero because "he served two terms". Reagan DISAGREED with the 22nd Amendment and said he would have run for a third term if it was legal. Thank GOD it wasn't, we suffered enough of him for 8 years. And what the FUCK is a conservative doing on a stoner forum? And Obama caused lasting damage on our Constitution? What about Mr. PATRIOT Act George Dubya Bush?
You're entitled to your opinions, but why do you and many others find it necessary to imply things in your posts that were not stated by those you post responses about? Roosevelt did do some things that were needed at the time, as have most every president. Where have I stated that Hoover was one of my favorite presidents? Yes, I have seen the list of the Fortune 500 companies you mentioned, and ask why the Democrats when having control of both Houses of congress and the Presidency did nothing to change the tax laws which those companies are using lawfully to avoid taxes? I've never claimed to have any love for Ayn Rand, but did she really say ALL the poor are parasites? Some probably are. Why would you think that I'm a Republican? I didn't care for either Bush I or Bush II, but would have cared less for their opponents had they won. Over 15 Presidential elections I've only voted 3 times for someone I actually supported, and they won but all other elections I have had to cast a vote for someone I did not support or in some cases a third party candidate who I knew had no chance of winning. Meliai: I thought Carter was a good person, and I actually worked unpaid in his campaign, but in the end I did not vote for him.
My list is similar to yours, OP, with a few changes.... My list: 1. Abraham Lincoln (Republican; 1861-1865) 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat; 1933-1945) 3. John F. Kennedy (Democrat; 1961-1963) 4. George Washington (Independent; 1789-1797) 5. Bill Clinton (Democrat; 1993-2001) 6. Jimmy Carter 7. Obama 8. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican; 1801-1809)
what do you call greatness. there has never been a holder of any high office that didn't have serious warts. also i think every administration that may have earned the mantle, didn't do it on their own, but as a result of circumstances they mostly did not create themselves. so don't say i haven't already made that caveat for any of them i might name. jfk, harry truman, both of the rosevelts, both of the adams, mr peanut and mr bill too. who else i'm not sure. i mean i'm not sure i'd call any of them great really. lincoln, he could have declaired emancipation without declaring war. he could have let the south succeed and form its own country. and it was he, who laid the groundwork for today's legal fiction of corporate personhood. but i don't mean that makes him a weak or poor president as they go. just an over rated one, as of course all of them are. i really think its congress, and their cabinet members, who deserve the credit, and blame, as much as the individuals themselves, for all of them.
In no particular order: Adams Jefferson Jackson Monroe Buchanan Harding Eisenhower Kennedy T. Roosevelt Washington