To the Bush supporters.

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by soulrebel51, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    Paradigm.. ya it would almost be funny (if it wasnt so sad) to see how Osama Bin Laden's Master Plan is working.
    He is right.
    He will cause instability by turning half the country against the other (all fear based) and eventually this will weaken the USA


    .. I also suspect Americans are strong enough to enjoy some 'bitter divide' for the sake of an election - then reunite afterwards.

    Its a minority of Americans (many in this forum) who are actually allowing Bin Laden to turn them against America with real hate and divide.
  2. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    Say what you will about Bush but he was the first president to stop late term abortions. Finally .
  3. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    The bible clearly gives christians the right to defend themselves. I guess you would just stand there and let someone shoot your family members.
  4. campbell34

    campbell34 Banned

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    Well looks like Kerry's pollsters were wrong. Like I told you the Democrats position on abortion is killing off your party. While the ranks of Republicans are swelling the Democrats are shrinking. For the next 20 years Republicans will be adding to the party. While it will be harder for Democrats to find the votes they need. Read, the cradel will rock. I think it's on line.
  5. Juggalo4ever

    Juggalo4ever KingoftheChubbyGirls

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    Murdered thousends, but I guess this makes up for that
  6. Juggalo4ever

    Juggalo4ever KingoftheChubbyGirls

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    Killing them should not be the first and most celibrated choice.
  7. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    Some people cant accept a day when unborn babies will be given absolute rights to live .. and ya, maybe that seems like it will 'never happen' in the USA.

    But keep this in mind
    - there was a time when blacks didnt have the right to public schooling or equal rights,
    -Wasnt that long ago women could not vote,
    -Not that long ago, Jews could not hold professional positions
    - and Irish 'need not apply'...

    So is it really so hard to believe that unborn babies will be given the absolute right to be born?
  8. T.S. Garp

    T.S. Garp Member

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    Never mind
  9. GuySmiley

    GuySmiley Member

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    I have been reading your ramblings and for someone who likes to tell others that they get too much of thier info from Hollywood, you sure as hell sound like the person writing the scripts, hahahahaha!!!! You're rhetoric can be heard spewing from any republican slack jaw on CNN. Guns were a Constitutional right when there was a fear of the British taking over our farmlands/colonies, so your bullshit about guns sounds like it cam from the mouth of Mr. Heston himself. A person DOES have the right to own a gun, but semi automatic machine guns are a but extreme to own of your are simply worried about someone breaking into your house. Your quip about abortion just goes to show that you are as clueless as the rest of you freaks that think that a woman doesn't have the right to choose what's going on in her own body. God forbid you ever become pregnant by accident or are raped and become pregnant and don't want the child.

    Bush is a walking contradiction and the fact that you are from Texas just gives you less credibility, hahahahaha!!!!! Just remember that the Republicans are going to have to answer to alot when more wars, with little to no proof of a need to go to war, are being started. I voted for Kerry, my conscience is clear. I just figured simple, 1st grade, common sense, would have been able to prevail. Be ready for 4 more years of a poor economy, job loss, terrorist attacks/threats, loss of personal and civil freedoms, more nations distrusting and hating Americans, ect.... I guess Republicans benefit from this way of life. The worst President in recorded American history was just re-elected... what the hell is wrong with these voters?!!!!!

    TARABELLE on the road less traveled

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    Disturbing isn't it, how long 4 years is? [​IMG]

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