To those of you who have just finished college or will very shortly, Congrats!!! I know how tough and stressful it can be, I graduated last May and I was so happy to be finished, although I'll likely go on to grad school eventually. Way to go!!!!!!
I still have one more year before I get my degree. BLAH! Congrats to all the 2004 graduates! *throws confetti*
I graduate in a couple weeks. All I have to do is finish my final project, which will be hella easy. The only hard thing I have left to do is my 10 minute speech. NOT looking forward to it! I can't wait to be finished with high school though.
my brother's finishing soon... after a wonderfully long 5 years he's finally graduating in about a month... (about time!)
Thank ya I graduate next month ...hopefully if I pass Spanish hah d: and start my masters in June eeeeeeeeeeeeeee