For many who read the channelings from the site you are on, the essence of the said is missing, for which there are several reasons, which we will not mention on this occasion, but we will give a brief overview of the essence of everything we have channeled over the past fifteen years, without clarifying the details, which are explained in some of the previous channelings. So, as you already know, dear Children of Earth, The Universe in which we exist and evolve has always existed, and there is no data that before it there was something else, some consciousness that created it. For the reason of Unconditional Love and the desire for that unconditional love to blossom into countless Universes and fulfill the reality that exists, the Universe has created from 97% of its consciousness an almost unlimited number of energies, energy centers, consciousness of varying degrees of development and purposes, and many, many more, which fulfill the thirty-four plans of consciousness that exist. Given the complexity and number of energies and energy phenomena that exist in the Universe, spontaneous contact between two or more energies occurs occasionally, and due to differences in the vibrations of each other, at least one of these energies causes a disturbance in its functioning. Since the Universe resides in a state of unity and harmonious functioning of all the energies that make up it, a disturbance in the functioning of one or more energies causes dysfunction in the entire Universe. Since the Universe never directly affects the existence and functioning of energies-consciousness created by its creative power, it, the Universe, asked certain spiritual consciences, Sparks, that each Spark generate twelve Souls, and that each Soul give part of its consciousness, Embryos of Consciousness, of which the Spiritual Energies of the Universe that permeate the entire Universe, in an instant, generated the Developmental Consciousness of the Souls of all people incarnated on planet Earth, the Developmental Consciousness of Souls who dwell on the Spiritual plane and wait for the moment when they will incarnate, as well as those in other parts of the Universe, they develop in a specific way. The reason for the creation of the Developmental Consciousness of Souls is reflected in the following: that by our development we reach a high level of the development of the thought part of consciousness, the development of the spiritual part of our consciousness, the entry into Enlightenment and its materialization. Thus we end the cycle of birth and death on planet Earth, and after the end of the current incarnation, as an immortal spiritual consciousness, which has recalled and materialized its spiritual nature, we continue the development of spiritual consciousness on the thirty-one spiritual plane. This development flows from phase to phase, until we reach the level of the Master of Light , when we begin to heal disorders in the functioning of energies throughout the Universe. When we reach a high level of development through these activities, we continue to develop until we reach the first, that is, the zero plan of consciousness, when from our own consciousness and from the feeling of Unconditional Love we begin to create a completely new and unique Universe, a Universe created in accordance with our ideas and concepts. Now, at some point in the existence of the Universe, the energy of antimatter and an energy that was at a low vibrational level came into contact with each other, merged and thus created a new energy that was not created by the Universe. This is how the Counteruniverse origin. Then the Counteruniverse analyzed the reality that surrounds it and began to copy it, but in the opposite direction, in the negative direction. In this way the Counteruniverse created Demons, which generate Evil Energies, Jellyfish, Worms... and many other negative consciousness. Although the Universe is absolutely non-violent and filled with Unconditional Love, the Counteruniverse felt threatened by it, so it "escaped" to the greatest possible distance (in the vibrational sense, of course), and settled on a Lower Emotional sub-plane. Thanks primarily to the Demons who made contact with a number of incarnated Developmental Consciousness of the Souls, the Counteruniverse formed demonic-black magic sects known as "religions", whose purpose is to prevent in various ways the development of incarnated Developmental Consciousness of the Souls and their entry into Enlightenment, which, due to the lack of a Master Of Light, will lead to the complexity and increase of disharmonic functioning of the Universe and its complete destruction, after which the Counteruniverse will becomes "free". That's how he experiences it. For these reasons, the demonists of the sects who call themselves "religions", who are under the control and guidance of Demons who thanks to the Egyptian pyramids managed to descend to the Higher Physical sub-plane, prevent the development of the human species in various ways, especially prevent the development of spiritual seekers and their entry into Enlightenment, which the Demons and the Counteruniverse consider the greatest danger to them. In order to stop the development of the human species, demons from sects that are all under the control of the Catholic Church (except Chinese Buddhists-Taoists), organize and start wars for religious, ethnic, ideological, energy-resource, geopolitical and many other reasons, with the aim of causing bloodshed, violent and premature disruption of the Purpose of Life of the incarnated Developmental Consciousness of Souls, destruction of economic and material means that serve development, generating large amounts of the pain and suffering, the hatred and trauma that are passed on to every next generation of warring nations. Also, one of the more important reasons for generating hatred, pain and suffering is that these energies represent a kind of "food", "drink" and "air" for Demons and the Counteruniverse. The following way of increasing the size and power of Demons and the Counteruniverse is accomplished by sacrificing children not older than 6 years, which throughout the entire life of our civilization, over the past 8000 years, has been carried out by demonists from sects that call themselves "religions". The sexual abuse of children by demonists associated with Demons generates energies that are perceived by Demons as very pleasant and "refreshing." In previous periods of our civilization, the sacrifices of children to Demons have been made publicly and ceremonially, during the last 2000 - 2500 years, they have been performed secretly, in the underground crypts of the temples of these sects, in the period between 03-04 hours of the morning. Thanks to the Energies of Life from the blood of sacrificed children, Demons and the Counteruniverse strengthen their power and greatness, thereby threatening the functioning of the Universe in which we exist and develop, and if/when they manage to destroy it, they will also threaten the existence of the remaining 55 Universes, which exist in the Omniverse and develop in their own way. The focal point which is of crucial importance, when we speak of ourselves, to the Developmental Consciousness of Souls that we develop on the physical plane of Planet Earth by incarnating into the physical bodies of individuals of the semi-animal species Homo sapiens, is Free Will, a very rare gift in the Universe, which in our case is necessary, because thanks to Free Will we can develop our consciousness, creativity and healing abilities to the level of the Masters Of Light, who to each individual healing of dysfunctional energies, approach in a specific and unique way. We, the Developmental Consciousness of Souls, are immortal spiritual consciousness and as such, represent an inexhaustible battery of energies of various types and levels of vibration, by which when they are negative, we keep the Demons and the Counteruniverse alive. In this way we, the Developmental Consciousness of Souls, participate in the destruction of the Universe, which in order to protect it by the Spiritual Energies of the Universe that permeate the entire Universe, leads to the initiation of the process of transition of the Developmental Consciousness of Souls from the aggressive species Homo sapiens, to the peaceful species Bonobo chimpanzees. In order for the peaceful species of Bonobo chimpanzee, in whose physical bodies the Developmental Consciousness of the Souls incarnate, to be able to develop its civilization to a very high level of thought, from which advanced individuals will engage in the development of the spiritual part of their consciousness and enter Enlightenment, it is necessary to reduce the numerical state of the semi-animal species Homo sapiens to 5% of its present number. Otherwise, the 8 billion hungry and aggressive members of the semi-animal species Homo sapiens will destroy all existing species, including the peaceful species Bonobo chimpanzee, into which the developmental consciousness of Souls incarnate. We greet you, Children of the Earth, we wish you every best, and we wish you to do good to others. Your Oliver 05 December, 22th years eons of Aquarius
no belief, has to have the slightest idea what it is talking about, for self aware beings, who are neither physical nor imaginary, to exist, outside of, and unrelated to, any of them. this is a very good thing. whether or not it began, and however it may have, the physical universe we physically live in, here and now, is 99.999... percent mineral. rocks and gasses and the occasional rare and precious liquid. so tiny a percentage is life, (even should it exist on a billion worlds), let alone life as advenced as a mamel or reptile, that we might never know it existed, were it not for our being part of and dependent upon it. this makes it rather unlikely to exist for, or have been created intentionally for, our one species on our one planet. likewise the unknown, is in no way limited by or to, what anyone tells anyone else to claim to know about it. these things are all but entirely self evident, should anyone choose to examine them, slightly more, and with slightly more self discipline of objectivity and detachment, then is common.
The material level of the physical plan makes up 0.87% of the content of the Universe, in which there are thirty-four planes of consciousness. The Earth is the third stone from the Sun, like other planets in our solar system, and the only reason that Mother Gaia came it to life and filled with various forms of life, is the development and materialization our spiritual consciousness from the initial level of minerals, plants, animals to the level of today's man, with the ultimate purpose: the development of spiritual consciousness, the entry into Enlightenment and its materialization. Thus the person ends the cycle of incarnations on the planet Earth and continues the development of spiritual consciousness to thirty-one spiritual plans.
what described here is close, but still no cegar, to the parallel universe our dreams take place in. as long as we walk in bodies that require air to breathe, it is not the one our bodies wake up in. the different principals in each, are how you can tell which one you're in. the is not a topic of "future" but of phylosophy and belief. that's why the tin foil hats. there is a place it would be home. it isn't this one.
The "Future" is the appropriate subforum, because unless we as a species calm down and direct ourselves in the direction of positivity, development and cooperation among people and nations, the future of the human species, the Developmental Consciousness of Souls, will be the incarnation into the physical bodies of individuals of the peaceful species of Bonobo chimpanzees. The initial post of this topic, among other things, was intended to show all of us how much at this moment in the development of our civilization, we are far from what we actually are: immortal spiritual consciousness, granted by Free Will, unlimited possibilities of development.