Actually, Trump himself doesn't scare me because presidents are just frontmen for the real controllers behind the scenes, which control both the right and the left. There are certain agendas that can be pushed more easily with a Democrat in office (for instance, big government domestic policy), and there are some agendas which can be pushed more easily with a Republican in office (for instance, hawkish foreign policy). I have always said that Trump will be the ultimate police state president, and this article below supports that. It's about how Trump wants to make it easier for the police to acquire military equipment. Obviously this is not new to Trump since we have been witnessing the militarization of the police for years in this country, especially after 9/11. But it's obvious we're going to see this militarization increase even more under a Trump presidency, and what's most scary of all is that his followers will go right along with it and think it's a good thing because of the blind faith they have placed in him. Martial law is getting closer and closer by the day. One must ask themselves, WHY would the police need military equipment typically used in war situations abroad?
what some people (his supporters mostly) think he's telling them its ok to do is what worries me, but this is certainly part of the picture.
I have no problem with the police acquiring military equipment. I've been very disappointed with the police response to recent riots and protests throughout America. Hopefully this will aid them in stopping the looting and rioting a lot more effectively.
Well maybe if George Soros and Co. stopped funding those idiots (Black Lives Matter, etc), they wouldn't riot. Funny how the system creates the problem to then offer the solution to the very problem they created, as a way of giving themselves the justification to do the things the public would otherwise not allow them to do. But still, military gear and weapons should never, under any cicumstances, be used against civilians. This is nothing short of de facto martial law. It's kind of scary how some people see this as a good thing. Don't think this equipment won't also at some point be used against you and your family.
Don't know why...Instead of backroom deals he is just coming right out and saying these are the deals we are making.
Yeah, i get that But the fact that he can be so brazen and his supporters are still too dumb to care is also terrifying
I think the only full on supporters left are the hardcore Republican and nobody else....the racists....the anarchists....and the reality fans that don't know what's really going on. Sounds like a lot of people but I will bet his popularity rating won't be any better than any other recent politicians.
What are you worried about PR? that link is ABCNews and if everything you have told us prior is as true as you maintain, than any and all news from a corporate, hell ANY news agency, is complete bullshit and lies designed to manipulate the masses of sheeple, or were you wrong before?
I'm sure you're right i just wish people would figure this shit out before the election And before anyone brings Hillary into it If american voters really had their shit together Bernie Sanders would be our president elect right now
He had no chance anymore, otherwise he wouldn't have done that me thinks. He only did that to give the democrat party a chance to win. It's sad but yeah... that's what a 2 party system and a predecided democrat party gets the US. Majority of the voters went along with it. End of story.
i believe the odds of my pension getting a cost of living adjustment would be somewhat better. also the odds of more humans surviving the ecopocalypse. a trump regeme would not surprise me to turn a blind eye to soylent green, and shoving old folks into the bin, and robbing whatever pensions they may have worked all their lives for. yup, i think there might be a few little differences like that.
He lost the vote though, it would have been nice to see him take a stand but it wouldnt have changed anything. If he did take a stand he wouldnt have had any input into the Democratic party platform and he would be completely alienated returning to Congress as an independent.
George Soros and funding has nothing to do with the rioting. People don't need money or funding to riot.
Hillary Clinton was supportive of sanctions that were put in place against Russia after its annexation of Crimea which damaged the Russia's ability to produce oil with the help of U.S. companies such as Exxon. It's an attractive situation for Putin to have a Secretary of State appointed by Trump who has been the CEO of Exxon rather than someone that Hilary would have appointed. In a recent interview with ABC Trump said that Putin wasn't going to go into Ukraine. In the interview Trump had to be informed that Russia had already annexed Crimea in 2014. Trump has also said recently that he doesn't need daily intelligence briefings.
Agreed, it's so over, the man is to be the next president and all of this electoral college whining will not change that.